Chapter 5 - Anger Therapy

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3rd Person POV.

Lucas walks in, Malia still on the ground playing with the record player. "Malia."

"Go away." she says.

"You're pathetic." Lucas sneers. "What if Rosie could see you now? Sitting there playing some record player. Why because the song reminds you of her?"

Lucas walks closer. Lucas then throws a spell at the record player breaking it. Malia stands up and glares at him.

"You're worthless. You would think that someone from the house of Slytherin would be better equiped for the collateral damage of war." Lucas sneers.

"Rosie... was not... collateral damage." Malia says, getting riled up. She clenches her fist, wanting nothing more than to punch her brother in his face.

"Yeah, she was. What do you expect from the Hufflepuffs? Didn't they both die anyways." Lucas laughs. Malia runs up to Lucas, takes the wand from her boot and pushes Lucas against the wall. She then holds the wand up, pointing it to his neck.

"What are you gonna do sis?" Lucas taunts.

Malia takes a deep breath, "Nothing." Malia says. She lowers her wand and walks out the door. Lucas then clenches his jaw and follows her out the door. He takes his wand out.

"Bombarda!" he yells causing an explosion that causes Malia to fly down the stairs into the wall in front of her.

Malia lies there as everyone else stands and tries to make their way to the stairs to see what just happened."You asshole." Malia groans getting up.

"COME ON MALIA! YOU'RE PATHETIC!" he yells from upstairs.

Evelyn and Sirius walk out. "Lucas!" Evelyn yells. Sirius tries to help Malia up. Lucas however, throws a spell at his arm which misses and hits the wall. Lucas did that to prevent him from reaching out to her, but he was centimeters away from almost hitting him. You would have thought Lucas just wanted to attack him.


Malia is fuming. She is so angry you could see steam come out of her ears. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU LUKE!" she yells. 

She then picks her wand up and jumps over the debris and runs up the stairs to Lucas. While she runs up the stairs, she levitates a wardrobe to fly towards him. He jumps out of the way as it crashes into the wall behind him.

He then uses his wand and throws a lamp at Malia. Malia ducks, still on the stairs and use a spell to rip the door from the hinges. The door then goes straight towards Luke. Luke forward rolls away and the door flies straight into the wall and gets stuck in there, almost taking his head off. 

Lucas casts a spell that causes the stairs to fall apart. Malia jumps holding onto the floor before lifting herself up and running towards Lucas. "Stop! Stop!" Kreacher yells. "What would my Mistress say?!" Kreacher says.

The portrait begins to scream, which is almost drowned out by all the spells and explosions the twins are making.

Everyone runs up in order to help them, but after the stairs collapse, they had no way to get up. "What do we do?" Tonks asks Sirius and Evelyn.

"Malia!" Fred yells calling for Malia. He wants to run after her but is stopped by Arthur.

"No son, it's too dangerous." Arthur adds. "Not with the spells their doing. It's too unpredictable."

"It's the coven's powers." Sirius explains.

"Lucas!" Evelyn yells.

"What do we do?" Remus asks Sirius.

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