"The Difficult Bend"

Start from the beginning

"I can do it." Darrell said. "As a thanks for letting me in."

The others agreed and decided to get some rest as it was getting late. Soon Darrell was the only one still awake. How could he sleep with what he had seen? His family hanging in the webs still haunted his view whenever he closed his eyes. Darrell knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep for some time.


"November 28th, 1976"

Darrell awoke with a jump as the sound of what could only be described as an explosion was heard.

"What in god's name was that!" Jason yelled.

"Sounded like it came from the ArrowHead facility." Darrell remarked.

"Well in that case we should get going!"

Jason quickly ran to James and Darrell followed suit and began getting the engine ready for the journey. After two long hours James had been steamed and was ready to go. The bystanders opened the shed doors and James looked into the thick layer of mist which surrounded them.

"You ready James?" called Jason.

"Aye. Let's go."

With that Jason released the brakes and opened the regulator allowing James to creep slowly out of the shed. The mist was far thicker than it had been the day before. They would be lucky if they ever saw the line ahead of them.

"Driver, do you hear that?" James asked.

Jason and Darrell listened carefully and heard a low rumbling sound. Just as they were about to creep out onto the mainline Murdoch thundered past with a long rake of coaches just inches away from James' buffers.

"OUT OF THE WAY JAMES!" Murdoch called as he disappeared into the mist. 

"James! Are you alright?" called Jason.

"A-Aye. I'm fine." James said as his shock began to fade.

"Come on, we should go after him."

They all agreed and continued after the colossal engine. They traveled down the mainline for quite some time before they heard something other than the puffing from James.

"Is that a guard's whistle?" James said as he squinted into the mist.

Without any time to react a coach appeared in front of James. He biffed the coach with some force causing Darrell and Jason to stubble. Before long a man walked up to the cab.

"Oi! Can't you two bloody hear? Been blarin' me whistle to alert ye!"

"Sorry we had no idea how close we were. What on Sodor happened."

"Our engine was going too fast and toppled off the line at the bend up ahead and took three of the coaches with him."

"Is everyone okay?"

"I wish I could say that. The daft engine crashed into the mountain face. Most of the passengers in the first three coaches were killed or to hurt to be moved. The rest have some broken bones and a few concussions."

The trio was horrified. None of them knew what to say.

"Gordon is meant to come through with another evacuation train and I need you to get us to Cronk so we can flag him down."

Jason agreed and James was coupled to the coaches which still stood on the line. The stranglers from the head of the train crammed themselves into the remaining coaches and the guard blew the whistle. James set off with a mighty heave leaving the wreck behind.



"What the hell is going on?" boomed Gordon. "We have to get these people to safety."

The signal man stepped out of the box and looked down at the big engine.

"I still don't know. Murdoch hasn't cleared Kellsthorpe yet and until he does, or I get all clear you're not moving. Now hush up before I take my tin opener to-"

Before the signal man could finish his threat, he was cut off by James' whistle. Gordon was shocked to see the red engine and even more to see the coaches he was pulling.

"James! Where on Sodor have you been? And what are you doing with those coaches!"

"I've been stuck at Killdane the past couple of days...and this is what's left of Murdoch's train."

Gordon's face fell. "W-What do you mean what's left?"

"He derailed along the sharp set of bends before Kellsthorpe. I didn't get a good look due to the mist, but the guard claimed he crashed into the mountain face and took half of the train with him."

"Bloody hell. Is he alright?"

"No clue. Never got a chance to check on him."

Gordon sighed. "Just couple the coaches to the back. These people need medical attention."

"You sure you'll be able to handle all of these-"

"Just couple them up James!"

James said nothing and shunted the coaches behind Gordon.

"James. I-I...look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I'm just stressed, that's all."

"It's alright. How are the others?"

"They're alright. The railway is shut down right now, so they're all tucked away. Henry was meant to come through with another train, however I'm not sure where he is. Probably held up at Wellsworth or Maron. Oh, and yesterday Emily was-"

Before he could elaborate further the guard blew his whistle and Gordon slowly set off. His wheels slipped as the weight of the coaches held him back, however before long, and with a little help from some sand, Gordon gripped the rails and struggled out of the station.

"Come on James let's get you tucked away into the sheds. We'll continue up the line tomorrow. Right now, I have to check you over for any damage." remarked Jason.

James didn't say a word as he was backed down in the shed.

"You think it'll be alright." asked Darrell.

James looked back and scowled. "What did you call me?"

"I'm sure HE'LL be fine. He's a tough engine. Besides now you'll know what it's like to sleep in a cab."

"Oh joy."

James sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this new guy."

With that he went quietly to sleep hoping for things to smoothen out like they always had.

Tomorrow will be another day...

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