"The Difficult Bend"

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"November 27th, 1976"

Darrell wandered through the mist aimlessly for what felt like hours. He had no other motive to keep going. His wife and child were taken away from him without ever getting to say goodbye. Eventually Darrell found himself on a station platform. He looked towards a nearby sign and saw the word "Killdane" in big bold letters.

"I've already walked this far?" he thought to himself.

Darrell then quickly turned around as he could hear the faint sounds of talking. He walked closer until he eventually reached a large gray engine shed.

"They've been gone for some time now. Don't you think someone should go looking for them?" said a voice much louder and pronounced than the others.

Darrell took a deep breath before he knocked on the door causing everyone to go silent. The sounds of shushing and muttering were heard.

"Look, if you're trying to hide the best you could do is keep quiet. Can you please let me in?" Darrell said as he knocked again.

The door then creaked open revealing a man in a dark blue suit.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Jason cautiously.

"Just another lost soul...like you."

The man then opened the door allowing Darrell to enter. As he entered the dark shed he was met by several men and women, but he was most surprised to see a big red steam engine.

"So what's going on out there?" asked the engine.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure, but there's something out there and I-I don't just mean people."

The small pack looked at each other with mixed glances.

"What do you mean?" one asked.

"I worked at the facility. I was busy filing papers as normal when alarms started going off. I didn't think anything of it until the mist started spewing from the vents. After that I saw one of my colleagues being dragged away by something."

James scoffed "Please he could've been hurt and was dragged away by someone you didn't see."

"Maybe. But that's not the case for my family." Darrell choked as he held back the tears. "They were tied up in webs. Massive webs. I was too late...I-I couldn't save them."

Darrell then felt someone patting his shoulder and turned back to see Jason.

James looked at the man remorsefully, "I'm sorry for your loss mate."

Darrell nodded his head before putting his hands to his face. As the shed went silent, he could hear the sound of people talking amongst each other mixed in were the cries of saddened souls realizing their loved ones may be gone as well. Everyone then perked up to the sound of a whistle echoing from down the line. They piled onto the window to get a glimpse of the outside world. Something then broke through the mist and tore down the mainline. They were only able to see a glimpse of the blue before the mist returned to a calm state.

"That sounded like Gordon's whistle." mentioned James. "Seems they're still running the express. Although it sounded like he was short of puff."

Darrell looked at the engine. "Short of...what?"

"Steam engine terminology. You wouldn't get it."

"More importantly, why the hell are they still running the express? Don't they know what's out there!" exclaimed one of the women.

"Perhaps the mist hasn't reached that far inland yet. I'll head out tomorrow in James to see what's going on alright."

"But Phil isn't back yet, you can't drive your engine and act as the fireman."

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