"Good job!"


"Ooh, look at this one!"

"It looks so clean! I'm so proud of you!"


Later with Sister Krone

Third Person POV

"Ms. Isabella, may I request a sewing machine for Y/n?" she asked. "She has been improving quickly and I want to get her one so she can sew faster."

"I'll send for it."


Your POV

'Good, I know how to do basic stitching now, so I can make clothes for outside,' you thought. 'I need to learn coding, medicine, crafting weapons, weapons use, and how to utilize my body.'

"Y/n, do you want to try coding now?"


"Okay, good job! I think that's it!"

"Can you help me with another thing as well?" you asked Sister Krone.

"Sure! What is it?"


"Let's get started on our medicine then."


"Pour it... now!"

You quickly poured in the liquid, watching it simmer above the low heat.

"You made the painkiller!"


"Y/n! It's time to bathe the babies!" Emma called, walking into the room you were in with Gilda.

"Okay, let me grab some towels."


You taking care of a few of the babies while Emma and Gilda took care of the others.

"Wow. Carol is already so used to you," Gilda said. "Emma, I have something to ask you. That night... Emma?"

Looking over at the two of them you saw Emma lift up Carols ear.

"What's that?" Gilda asked.

"A mark from when they took our blood for tests. That's what Mom told me long ago," Emma explained.

"Goo," Carol said while Emma was having an internal dialogue.

'The trackers are at the back of our ears,' you realized, touching your ear. 'Emma must have noticed because the demons just implanted Carols tracker.'


"I heard you like singing," Sister Krone said, walking up to you. "Could I ask for you to sing for me?"



"Days seem sometimes as they'll never end
Sun digs its heels to taunt you
But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same
Rises the moon

Days fade into a watercolour blur
Memories swim and haunt you
But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke
Rises the moon

Oh-oh, close your weary eyes
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To darken fading summer skies
Breathe, breathe, breathe

Days pull you down just like a sinking ship
Floating is getting harder
But tread the water, child, and know that meanwhile
Rises the moon

Days pull you up just like a daffodil
Uprooted from its garden
They'll tell you what you owe, but know even so
Rises the moon

You'll be visited by sleep
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To steal away each dream you keep
Breathe, breathe, breathe," you sang.

"That was beautiful," Sister Krone complimented. "Thank you for singing to me. You can go out to play now."

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