Chapter 1

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Your POV

Eleven years ago

"Now everybody, I would like you to meet your new sibling, Y/n!" Mama said.

At the time you were just a small baby, but you knew the secret of the house. Your beautiful smooth supple skin and sparkly eyes would distract all of the adults, demons and humans together from remembering that you were still a cattle child, same as all the others. At the age you were born you were determined a high grade because of your looks.

At five years old

Third Persons POV

"Mama, why can't we visit Y/n?" Emma asked their mother.

"Remember Y/n has a hard time sleeping, she's finally asleep. We wouldn't want to wake her." Mama explained to the three young children.

"Emma, we'll be able to play with her when she wakes up!" Norman said to the determined carrot head.

Your POV

'Huh? Why's there so much noise?' You thought. You were in the infirmary after collapsing when playing with the other kids.

"Mama?" You said, slowly opening the door of the infirmary and rubbing your eyes.

"Ah, you're awake? Did we wake you? You should sleep more Y/n," Mama said.

"I'm okay!" You exclaimed. "I want to play with Emma and Norman and Ray!"

"Alright," Mama said, smiling softly. "Remember if you feel sleepy take a nap and don't push yourself."

"Okie!" You affirmed.

Present time

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! It's time for breakfast!" Emma shouted shaking you.

"Food?" You asked jolting awake.

"It's breakfast!" Emma confirmed.

"I wonder what we're having? Bacon? Eggs? Yoghurt? Waffles? Pancakes? Maybe f/f?" You daydreamed.

(F/f is favourite food.)

"Y/n! I need help tying my shoes!" Sherry asked you.

"Me too!" Jemima told you.

"Okay. Just wait, okay?" You replied.

"Me too!" Phil exclaimed.

"I still need to get dressed!" You said, laughing. "Okay, I'll help you first!"

Just a typical day at Grace Field Farm. All of the children are still unaware of the future waiting for them.

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