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After the few days you spent saving belobog, you and the other Trail Blazers decide to relax a little after you guys saved the day. After all, it was your first trailblazing mission. You, Dan Heng, March, Serval, Seele, Gerpard and a few other friends you met along the way decided to throw a little "party". Thanks to Bronya, renting out the Goethe Hotel was no problem at all, though unfortunately she was too occupied with her new found duties to be able to attend. You would've thought the same thing for Gepard, but he decided to take the day off to enjoy the party with Serval. Anyways, the night was young, and everyone was having a blast. You played games, ate some delicacies, talked with friends, all that fun stuff. Then as it was getting later into the night, and as some people were leaving, March decided that this would be the perfect time to play 7 minutes in heaven.

You agreed, because you are the kind of person to never back down from a challenge. Surprisingly Dan Heng agreed to play as well. You would think that he would rather read a book or do something more productive. To be honest, you were surprised to even see him at the party in the first place, though you never really confronted him about it.

You and Dan Heng worked very well together, especially in battle. You two are practically unbeatable. Yet, even in battle, Dan Heng always seemed to be calm, and rational, which is one of the many things you admire about him. Even when you were not necessarily "yourself", he always seemed to be grounded, and he always managed to bring you back. Which is another reason why you admire him. If you are truly honest, you know that you have gained a small liking of him. Not like how you like March, or Himeko, or Welt, or Pom Pom even, but something more. So seeing him in the circle sitting across from you had you thinking, "What if I got paired with him?" You were in this trance until you heard mountains of squealing coming from March. That was when you realized that the bottle had landed on Dan Heng.

He still had his normal, passive expression on his face as he spun the bottle to see who he would be paired with. Weren't the Aeons on your side today? Because guess who it landed on? You.

You felt a bit of heat rising to your cheeks as you heard a bunch of hollers from Serval and March. Dan Heng stood up and walked over to you, offering his hand to you. He was such a gentleman, how could you not develop feelings for him? You grabbed his hand and the two of you followed March over to a closet. It wasn't very big, even you could admit, the one back in Boulder Town was better, but you had little to no time to think before both you and Dan Heng were pushed into the closet, and had the door locked behind you both.

You were glad that it was quite dark in the closet, so that Dan Heng wouldn't see the rising blush on your face from the position the two of you were in. You were pushed against the wall, unable to move due to the lack of space in the closet and also due to Dan Heng being in front of you. He had his hands against the wall, to attempt to create as much space as possible, but even then, his face was still but a few inches away from yours. "Are you alright?" He asked, selfless as always. "Yeah, I'm fine." You replied, in almost a whisper. "I do not wish to make you uncomfortable, but I have something to confess." He said.

Although the closet was fairly dark, you could still see the gorgeous blues and greens of his eyes. You started to panic, what if he found out about your small crush on him? How would he react? What would you do? "Ah. Okay" you replied nervously. "I think that I have taken a liking of you." He said, making your eyes fly wide open. " I am not very good when it comes to things like this, but March insisted that I have some feelings for you. Please do not feel the need to reciprocate, I do not wish to push any burden upon you."

"I-" You tried to respond, but Dan Heng went on. "You are amazing, and since the day March and I found you at the station, there was something that was always leading me to you. And if I have to be honest, even though I don't know how to do CPR, I was a bit mad when March pushed me once you woke up." You were shocked. Your jaw was practically through the floor.

Even though the closet was almost pitch black, you could see the red across Dan Heng's face. You could see the look in his eyes, and you knew he was being genuine. Dan Heng leaned in a bit closer to your face, and his next words caught you off guard. "If you don't mind... May I?" You swallowed what felt like a boulder down your throat and you nodded your head ever so slightly at his request. You saw Dan Heng lean in, and right before your lips met his, he stopped and said "A- Are you certain? You don't have to do this if you don't wan-" You cut him off with your lips against his.

You could feel him stiffen first, before slowly kissing you back. As you leaned in further, you could feel one of his hands snake down to hold your waist, as the other went to the nape of your neck and played with your hair. After a few seconds longer, the two of you separated to catch your breaths. You let out a soft chuckle before saying, "I suppose I have gained a small liking to you as well." Dan Heng then pulled you into an embrace and you stayed there for a few minutes, thriving in the warmth from his arms, and how safe you felt while in his grasp. You then pulled away a little to look at him.

You saw all of the emotions in his eyes and the soft smile on his face, which made you smile even wider. Then you saw light seep into the closet as March opened the door. "Sorry it was a bit longer than 7 minutes! I was seeing everyone out!" You and Dan Heng exchanged a look and told March that there was no need to apologize.

As the three of you made it back to the express, March was out cold almost immediately, though you couldn't blame her, it was around 3 in the morning after all. You let out a soft giggle as you followed Dan Heng back to his room. The two of you had an amazing night, and as you were drifting off to sleep in Dan Heng's embrace, you realized that this was all because of a round of Seven Minutes in Heaven.



A/N: Hi there! I don't usually write often, so any feedback is appreciated! If you have any requests or suggestions, don't be afraid to let me know! Hope you enjoyed! <333

Word Count: 1237