Chapter 2

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"Yami! Yami!" I called out my friend, in a slow and low voice. It's more than fifteen minutes that I came out of the cottage. She must be somewhere here. I held the lamp near the road and walked towards the post box. A dull shadow of someone disappeared as soon as I held the light closer.

There she is, leaned against the post box and snoring. A small laugh escaped from my lips as I saw patches of dust on her cheeks. She is Yathi Bharvi Bhat, the only daughter of Raj Bhat, my father's friend.

She is a cute and shy girl. We were raised together. She's the same age as mine, twenty-two.

I slowly walked towards her and held the lamp near her face. Her expression changed. She was getting irritated by the light. I held a bit closer and whispered, "Yami... Get up. We need to go, darling".

She shook her head negatively, not willing to get up from her sleep. "You have got to get up, darling. My brother is coming this way." I placed my one hand on her shoulder and shook her a bit.

With a flash of light, her eyes were wide open, desperately looking everywhere. "What? Where is he?" her voice shattered in every word she spoke. This girl is so afraid of my brother. "Sri, Why is he coming? Did he find this out? Oh God, we are dead now!" she exclaimed in fear.

"Darling, he'll definitely come if we won't go back home now. It's almost four and my brother will get up by four-thirty. We need to rush."

I grabbed her hands, and pulled her up. She yelped in pain. Why wouldn't she? I guess she said like this for about four hours. My poor Yami! But now we need to rush.

It took a few minutes for her to walk steadily. Well, in my case, I was so sore that as I took my every single step, a low moan left from my lips.

We rushed fast towards my home. Yatri left for her home and I walked to mine. Walking on tip-toe, I opened the back door and climbed the stairs. But then I froze immediately as I heard my brother's voice.

"Sri! Where are you coming from?" startled, I turned back slowly, and gulped in fear. Did he find out? Noway, he shouldn't.

"Sri, come here." he called me down as he leaned at the pillar. I walked slowly down, looking at his serious eyes. 'You are dead now' my subconscious alerted me.

I stumbled at the last step, but my brother held me at the right time.

"Careful Sri! Walk carefully. Walk slowly." but who will tell him that it's because of what Tanan and I did, an hour ago. I nodded my head positively.

"Now Sri, where were you?" I froze back again. I don't know what to do. Furthermore, I just want to bury myself deep inside the Earth.

"Brother! I... I was..."

"Yes, you were?" his serious expression was making my heart beat raise. I couldn't find any answer. My mind was blank...

"I... I was..."

"She was with me, Kailash ji." a familiar female voice came from the other side. We turned towards the direction. Our head motioned towards Raj uncle's house. There she stood, Yatri on the rooftop.

She nodded her head positively. "What were you doing there?" brother raised a sudden question.

"Nothing much, Brother. I couldn't sleep, and so I went to Yami's house. Sorry for not telling you!" I told him with my head low. He placed his hand on my shoulder and the other one raised my head up.

"It's okay Kashi! But please don't go anywhere without informing me. Okay?" I nodded in a 'yes' and hugged him tightly. His such acts make me feel guilty. Guilty for playing a game of hide and seek.

"Yatri, go to your room and sleep. And Kashi, back to your room. Go and rest. I don't want dark circles on my beautiful sister's face." we climbed the stairs towards mine. Yatri was gone.

"Only in my face or..." I spoke hastily. I am sure of one thing, something was up between Yatri and my brother. My brother doesn't show much of his feelings, but Yatri's expressions changes as soon as it's my brother. I wonder how come my Yami spoke without stammering like always.

"SLEEP." his serious voice echoed through my room. I walked towards my bed and relaxed myself. He walked near me and covered me with a blanket. Kissed my cheeks and turned the lights off.

He walked out and closed my room door. My room was in the top floor. Our home has an opening in between, with two floors. My room has more than six windows and a balcony. All per as my wish, my brother fulfilled it, but my heart is yearning for my love now. I want to be with him. And I just wish, my brother fulfills this wish of mine as he always did...

I closed my eyes as the fresh smell of lilies. A long drag of the fragrance and I was all lost in my dream world with my love...

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