someone gets hurt

891 44 23

Shi Qingxuan figures it out- Took him long enough


"Woah Woah Woah! What did you just say?!". Was Hong? Was he? He Xuan... "I..." I watched as he fumbled over his words while brushing his fingers through his hair in a panicked state.


He had definitely said more than he had originally intended to. "Well, the cat's out of the bag." He muttered to himself. "It really is you..." He Xuan uncomfortably nodded before slowly rubbing the back of his neck. "I... I'm sorry. I'll leave. Goodnight Qing- Goodnight." With that, he left.

On his way out he placed a small golden sigil on the table, it must be something for spiritual powers. 

He wasn't going to cry. He wouldn't. Ghosts Kings don't cry unless they are simps like Hua Cheng after Xie Lian rejected his marriage proposal. And He Xuan was no simp.

Shi Qingxuan watched him leave. "He..." In a hushed voice, he whispered to himself. "He's been watching me... and protecting me this whole time..." Once he snapped back to reality he rushed forth to the golden sigil on the table and quickly pressed his hand to it. In other situations, he would have immediately changed into his female form but this was hardly the time.

First, he tried He Xuan's spiritual password but after calling through the communication array for a while without a response he switched over to Xie Lian. If he was being honest Hua Cheng would likely be more helpful in this situation but he only really gave his password to two people. He Xuan and Xie Lian. 

"Your Highness! Something happened! Please come quickly and bring your Hua Chengzhu." Xie Lian heard this almost the instant it came- mostly because of his newfound believers who were taking up most of the space in his head. "Oh! Of course! Just let me finish my work and I will be right there!" And with that, the powers ran out.

It was rather lonely without He Xuan by his side. He ate the dinner they had prepared alone and stored away the leftovers- after all the meal was originally meant for two. Halfway through packing away the food, he heard a knock on the door. "Ah! Come in!" Xie Lian and Hua Cheng hurried in after that.

"Qingxuan! We came as fast as we-" Xie Lian immediately said before looking at the rather glum but alright Shi Qingxuan sitting on the floor while cleaning up his dinner. "Is everything okay?" Hua Cheng asked with a hint of confusion in his voice. "Ah sorry for the trouble it's just... I don't know if you met my friend Hong?" Hua Cheng's face tensed up for a millisecond- who could tell if it was because of the name Hong itself or how it was connected to blackwater? 

"Crimson Rain, I believe from your facial expression you have?" Xie Lian immediately spun around in shock to face a very guilty Hua Cheng. "I..." He brushed a hand quickly through his hair before taking a seat. "It's a long story..." So there they sat for about an hour explaining what Blackwater had been doing for the past few years, watching Shi Qingxuan, protecting him... leaving him food and blankets on cold winter nights. 

"San Lang! How could you not tell me about this?" Xie Lian was shocked, to say the least. Not disappointed or mad, just shocked. "He doesn't forgive himself for what he did to you... although he will never regret killing your brother in my eyes I do believe he regrets hurting you." Hua Cheng paused before continuing. "What happened once you figured out it was him?" 

"He kind of just walked away while apologizing- he also gave me this sigil with spiritual powers on it..." Hua Cheng chuckled at that. "Well, would you look at that..." Neither Shi Qingxuan nor Xie Lian heard this remark but they continued asking questions. "San Lang? Do you know where he went?" Hua Cheng placed two fingers on his temple before returning to the conversation. "Yes and no? He is probably returning to his territory but he might also decide to go missing for a while- adventure... kill you know... take a break." He explained it like some weird ghost vacation but it was a common understanding that He Xuan would not be back to Puqi Shrine for quite a while.

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian left soon after sorting that matter out and they left some food behind for Shi Qingxuan in case without Blackwater's help he went hungry. Upon their leave he immediately packed all the food into a small bag, hoisted it onto his back, and left the shrine after leaving a small note for the villagers. 

What he had not told Xie Lian and Hua Cheng was that he was going out to look for He Xuan and the first place he was looking was none other than Blackwater's lair. Maybe this would end up being a family reunion of some kind. 

Author's Note: 

Sorry, this chapter was lowkey really badly written- anyway enjoy lmao 

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