As they made their way outside, Michelle took Valerie's arm, and pulled her gently towards the car. They reached it, and Michelle opened the door. She ushered Valerie inside, then closed the door saying "stay there" as she did so. She strode back towards the church, a purposeful almost angry walk. She needed to thank Jonny for his kind words, and also to say goodbye but was very conscious that Gemma, Jamie's ex wife, had not stopped looking at them both, and Michelle figured she wanted at the very least to cause some sort of scene. As she walked up to Jonny, and began to convey her emotions, a voice said "so you are the fucking bitch he was screwing are you?" Michelle finished her conversation with Jonny, smiled and shook his hand.

She turned to Gemma. Walked past her, deliberately getting as close as possible. When she had got a step or two past, she turned. Looking into Gemma's eyes she replied, "even if I was, which I am not, I wouldn't give a low class, orange skinned, slut like you the satisfaction of saying yes. It's over. Jamie is gone. You have nothing, so stay away, and, if you decide you want to make any trouble, rest assured" Michelle took a step closer, paused, then took hold of Gemma's hair, and looked her eye to eye, "you have no fucking idea who you would be messing with". And she turned around and walked to the car. Gemma screamed "don't you fucking threaten me bitch" Michelle smiled. Opened the door, got in, and closed it. She lowered the window, told Barry to "step on it" and gave the finger to Gemma as the Mercedes left the cemetery.

"I need a drink," Valerie said. "Barry, find me a pub, nowhere near home please". Barry had been Valarie's driver for a long time. They had a bond and friendship that she adored, and he respected, and one which they both knew was beyond anything that a "normal" employer/employee relationship could be.

After a short drive, they pulled into a small, quaint typically English pub. Just gone 12, thankfully it was open. "Get 40 winks' ' Valerie smiled as she motioned to Michelle, "lets have a drink". The two ladies entered the bar, which was totally empty, save for the barman. "GOOD AFTERNOON, JUST! he boomed. "what can I get you both?" came in a slightly softer tone as he saw the black dresses, gloves, and figured it had been a funeral rather than a day out. "two large pink gin and tonics please" Michelle said, "would you be kind enough to bring them to the garden, it's been a bit of a tough day?" The barman looked a little put out, but Michelle looked around the empty bar, and he smiled. "No problem ladies" They stepped out into the sunlight, and Michelle looked for the furthest table from the pub, led Valerie to it, and instructed her to sit. Shortly after, the smiling barman came over, dropped the drinks and said "I don't do this for everyone you know!" He laughed as he bustled back to the bar.

Michelle and Valerie sat in silence. Val took a huge swing of her drink. Said "well, that's that then '' trying desperately to be "matter of fact" yet failing miserably. Michelle replied, "I'm not so sure" Valerie looked at her hard, "what do you mean?" "Something tells me we haven't heard the last of the class act that is Jamie's ex-wife I fear" Valerie smiled, "you think I'm worried about her?" Michelle considered her answer. "I don't think you have anything to worry about, but, you don't need any waves at home either, and, if that woman showed me anything just now, it's that she has both jealousy and anger in her. And that's a dangerous mix sometimes" Valerie's smile fell a little. "Yes, I suppose you are right," she sighed. "We will just have to wait and see." Michelle wanted to ask more about Jamie, but she could see Valerie just needed to chill, to "come down", so they made small talk. The weather. What the boys might be up to. How grateful Valerie was for Michelle being there. How wonderful Barry was. Michelle then blurted out "I fucked Charlie Summer a few days ago". Valerie spat her gin. She laughed. Said "well I thought I had some secrets" and laughed again. Michelle wasn't sure if the laughter was good, but she carried on. "I like him, and it's ridiculous because all I did was hit his car".

Valerie stopped laughing. "ok" she said, "your turn....................tell" As Michelle started to say, "well, I was driving out of town, and I wasn't paying attention" Valerie shook her head, "I don't mean about him, I mean tell" Michelle's face fell. She knew what Valerie meant. And that wasn't something that filled her with joy. "Shit Valerie, don't judge me ok" she said, "it started about 4 years ago. Tommy had been getting worse. Aggressive, moods, and I don't know, just something different. But he wasn't the same man I met 20 years ago. And I was, and I still am, a little scared of him, and what he might be capable of". Valerie saw a hint of fear in Michelles eyes. "so?" she prompted. "what happened?" "Websites happened" Michelle looked at the ground, ashamed, the memories all too vivid. "I typed in married women feeling lonely one day, and well, I knew there were websites for everything, but I had no idea it was so easy" Valerie laughed again. Michelle continued. "So I signed up for one called, Secret Sins, and opened my account. And that was it. It was just easy."

Valerie looked at her. "Sex you mean?" "Yes" Michelle looked ashamed again. "I quickly became addicted. So much so that it got to the stage. I didn't especially care about what they looked like, I just wanted to get dressed up, and feel desired. Tommy often wanted to fuck me, but I was never allowed to enjoy it anymore. It was about him only. He would fuck me. Come, then get off and sleep. It was like an animal. Just needed his satisfaction and then he was done. I began to enjoy being a slut. It meant I was in control. And to be honest, there were HUNDREDS of guys for each woman, so it was just easy." Valerie didn't look shocked. "I guess I have slept with dozens of guys. Fat, thin, short, tall, ugly, handsome. It started as I want a "type" and pretty soon became, I want a fuck" Valerie could hear the shame. "Until a few weeks ago".Michelle concluded. "When you hit his car?" Valerie asked. "Yes. I was on my way to a "meet" and I didn't pay enough attention and hit Charlie's car. He was nice, he definitely was "interested" in me, and I was flattered. He was the first man in a long time I felt was enjoying me for me and my looks, not the fact I was naked on a bed and showing them all I had" Michelle smiled. "Anyway, he gave me his number, and even though I carried on and went through with the meet, I felt physically sick when I got home. So much so that I puked at the thought of the guy I had just been with" Valerie stopped her. "Let me get another" she said, and Michelle felt she could probably do with one. "Ok, will Barry be alright?" Valerie laughed, "he will be asleep bless him, he gets a bit tired" and she disappeared into the pub. Michelle thought hard. Much like Valerie before, it all seemed to have come out so quickly, but she felt she could trust Valerie 100% and she definitely needed an ear to at least give her some advice and guidance.

Valerie came back with the drinks. Michelle continued, "so since I hit his car, I haven't been back on the site. And I hadn't actually realised that until just now" Valerie interrupted "so, you fucked him?"! Valerie laughed. "Yes'' Michelle went red. "It was kind of me being what I have been for the last few years, me in control, doing what I do I suppose, being a slut" her head fell. "but it just feels like I like him. And, if I am honest, I think he likes me" Her turn to take a big gulp of gin. She began to share a few of the details of the crash, and the fact that Jamie's car was now safely tucked away in Charlie's barn. Valerie drained her glass, and said "I think we best get back"

They made their way back to the car. As they did, Valerie said, "whatever you do, I will have your back ok, BUT. Do not be stupid. We live in a small village. The women all know Charlie, and most would like a piece of him. The men have no clue, as far as they are concerned, he is nothing but a small time garage, but just be careful"

Michelle smiled. "I will be careful," she replied. Valerie tapped on the window. "WAKEY WAKEY" she shouted. Barry woke up with a start. Valerie laughed, and, as Barry started the car, she felt a huge sense of relief. It had been a VERY emotional day. But perhaps not in the way she could ever have dreamed.

Bittersweet SummerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα