Chapter 2

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We were very lucky that we got into the escape pod in time. We found out that it was Yellow, who saved came back to save us. I'm more than happy they did. We would've been dead by now, if it wasn't for them. I looked at White, who's trying to call the people at Earth, 'Are you having any luck yet?'. 'Unfortunately no. I don't have a good enough signal to contact anyone.', White sighed. I patted them on the back, 'It'll be alright. We'll have better luck, when we get to Polus. Then, you can ask the leader over there to let you call Earth.'. They nodded a bit, before looking at Red. They're facing away muttering something, which really did concern both of us. 'I'm gonna go check on them.', White informs me as they walk over to Red. I walk to Blue and sit down next to them, 'How are feeling?'. 'Like I got run over by an escape pod.', they responded unhappily.

I sighed and them looked at them, 'I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. I wish that-'. They put their hand up to silent me, 'This wasn't your fault, Y/N. You were being held hostage and, to be fair here, teasing Pink with food wasn't really the smartest idea. But hey. We're safe now, since Sked blew up with the imposters inside of it.'. I gave them a happy expression, 'Yeah. Soon enough, we'll be at Polus. Then I can show the people over there how much of a great cook that I am.'. They chuckled at the last part, 'I'm sure that you will, Y/N.'.

It's really nice seeing them feeling a little bit better. We can really use a good mood right now, especially after everything that we experience at Sked. I know that the other crewmates would've want us to live a happy life. I can't dwell on what I could've done them. I'll try to be happy for Green, Black, Cyan and Lime.

We all felt the escape pod landed on the ground and the door opens. Yellow walks into the same room as us with Glitchy in their hands, 'We're at Polus now.'. 'Oh good! They can help patch Blue up in no time!', White saids happily. I stand up and me and White helped Blue stand up. All of us walk at the entrance of the door to see the crewmates of Polus standing outside. They looked at Blue with shock and concern. The tan crewmate walk up to them, 'Come with me! I'll get you patch up ASAP!'. They led Blue where I'm assuming is to the medical. Red walk up to the brown crewmate, 'There were two imposters in Skeld. They mercilessly killed Green, Black, Cyan and Lime. We fortunately did escaped, before it blew up.'. 'I'm so sorry. You can all stay as long as you need to. You've must've been through alot today, ' the brown crewmate says with a sympathetic tone.

They're not wrong about that. Glitchy's most likely upset from the lost of our crewmates, Yellow's came back to save us, Blue injured pretty badly, the device hurt Red and me and White are pretty shakened up by the whole thing. The brown crewmate motions us to follow them, 'Come inside. I'll show where you can sleep at.'. We all follow them inside.

In the bedroom

The brown crewmate, who we all obviously found out that their name is Brown, open the door for White and Red. The two of them walk inside. 'I'll see you two at the office in morning to give you some tasks,' they informed them, before they motioned me to follow them. I sighed, before I did that. It didn't take very long, before stopped at a door and opens it. I walked inside and looked around. It's about the same as Red and White's room. Brown looked at me, 'So, same thing as I said to your friends. Be at the office in morning to get your tasks. Understood?'. I nodded, 'I understand. Thanks for taking us in.'. 'No problem. Make sure to get enough sleep. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. Goodnight.', they said and closes the door.

I walk over to my bed, laid down onto it and glanced at my window. There's so many things running through my mind, especially about one thing: What else did the device to Red? I honestly want to ask them myself. But I want to do it at the right time. I guess I'll do it in morning as we all get our tasks. I slowly closed my eye and drifted into dreamland.


I woke up and looked around. I'm at admin. But it looks alot like Skeld. I quickly ran to the Cafeteria and stood there in horror. The emergency button was destroyed and there claw marks all over the all. No no no NO NO! I CAN'T BE BACK AT SKELD! WE SAW IT BLEW UP, ALONG WITH THE IMPOSTERS! Out of fear and panic, I ran to security. I found Green face planted onto the keyboard. How could our captain be sleeping at a time like this!? I slowly walk to them and covered my non-existent month out of horror. Someone already shot them through their head. Oh god this is really bad! I quickly checked the cameras. But I couldn't find anyone. Shit! I'll have to check the other room. With no other choice, I carefully searched the ship.

I keep finding dead bodies one by one, which truly makes me feel sick. Cyan was stabbed in the face with an ice cream cone, Black was stabbed on the chest and Lime was sliced in half. I feel like I'm going to vomit. I spotted a blood trail. I gasped and then muttered, 'I looks fresh. Someone might still be alive.'. I quietly followed it. It lead me to a door. I pressed the button to open it. However, for some reason, it was pitch black. Suddenly, I heard a voice from that room, 'Y/N, I'm so glad that you made it.'. It sounded like Red. I happily hurried inside, 'Red!? Oh thank god that you're still alive!'. 'So are we. We were waiting for you.', They responded calmly.

Something didn't feel right. Why aren't they concerned about the situation that we're in? I glanced at them, 'Why are you so calm about this? Four of our crewmates are killed by the imposters.'. They stayed silent for a moment, before one of the lights in the room flickered one. I stood there terrified at sight before me. Half of White's body is missing, Blue was stabbed to death on their back and Yellow has a lot of gunshot wounds on their torso. I don't see Glitchy anywhere. I spoked with a terrified voice, 'W-Where's Glitchy?'. 'Oh don't worry about the little one. They're being taken cared of.', Red said with a now visible smile on their face. What the hell!? They're the imposter too!? Pink and Purple steps into the light. I spotted Glitchy in Purple's hand, 'Red, what the hell is going on here!?'. 'That's quite simple. You're going to join us very short.', Pink said happily.

I felt something pulling my legs down. I quickly looked down and spots a bunch of black glitchy tentacles coming out of the floor. I panicked while struggling to get it to let go of me. But it's grip was too strong. I'm slowly sinking down as I'm still panicking. Red grabbed my face and forced me to look directly at them, 'There's really no need to panic. It'll be over soon. Once you're an imposter like us, you'll have nothing to be afraid of anymore.'. They let go of my face and notice that I'm halfway into the floor. I tried pulling myself out of it, but more glitchy black tentacles grabbed onto me and pulled me further down.

My vision is starting to darkened. But I can still see them. I manged to look at Glitchy. They're terrified out of their mind. I struggled to reach my hand to them, 'Glitchy...'. I last saw them being thrown into Pink's mouth, before I everything went completely black.

Back To Reality

I woke up screaming, 'PINK DON'T EAT THEM!!'. I quickly looked around and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Thank god it was only a horrible nightmare. Red, Blue, White, Yellow and Glitchy are still here. None of them are dead and Red isn't an imposter. I glanced at my window. It's still the middle of the night. I'm pretty glad that nobody was in same room as me or my screaming would've woke them up. I honestly can use some fresh air to calm myself down. I'm still pretty shakened up from that nightmare. I hop out of my bed and left my room to go outside.

A/N: Hey guys! I honestly wanted to get it out on the day that Rodamrix released their next Among Us animation. But I unfortunately wasn't able to do that in time. Oh well. I still hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I had to cut it short because it was starting to get too long. Thanks for reading it. Have a great day or night!

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