abuse pt2 (dd)

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dd pov
bronx ny📍

"you ready dd?" ddot asked as he looked at me

i nodded my head and pulled down my ski before we got out the car

notti and jay klickin pulled up in another car and got out

"move faster nigga" notti siad hitting warren im the back of his head with the gun making his walk faster

"the fuck down nigga" notti said pushing him down to the ground

"broo what did i do whats the fuck is going on" warren groaned in pain

dd and ddot walked over to warren and stood over him as he was on the ground

dd pulled the back off of his head and warren could now see

it was dark. only sound was the crickets

"fuck. yo i'm sorry i won't ever hit her again" warren begged for remorse

"nah nun of tha nigga" ddot said punching warren in his mouth causing him
to start bleeding

notti laughed at the man as jay klickin leaned against the car smoking a blunt as he was just there cuz the boys most definitely can't drive

"please yo i'll leave ha alone" warren said as he was on the kicking being kicked and punched

once the boys stopped beating on him a smile formed on warrens face

"she just a girl bro chill" warren said


warren yelled out in pain as he felt a bullet hit him

"and that's just a knee" dd said with a small smile on his face

"nah nigga dd buggin" jay klickin laughed as he watched the whole thing take place

right now this was a netflix series for jay and shit was entertaining as fuck

the boys picked him up and swung him back in forth like a jump rope before dropping him harshly

"find ya self some help" ddot said

"thas if he don't die first" notti laughed a little

"how y'all expect me to find help ima die" warren asked as he was in a lot of pain

dd shrugged

"figure it out" notti said

*next week*

Y/N pov

i had all warrens things in trash bags as his sister was on her way to come pick it all up

"what you doing?" dd asked me as i set the bags by the door

"getting all this bull shit outta here" i sighed as i sat down on the couch

just as she said that there was a knock on the door

"that's probably his sister" she said opening up the door and it was

"hii nia" y/n smiled

nia smiled and hugged her

"y/n im genuinely sorry for what my brother did you don't deserve that" nia spoke as they pulled away from the hug

"it's not your fault, and i'm just glad it's over thank you nia really thank you" y/n smiled

y/n then handed her all the trash bags

"but one more thing" nia said

"what is it?" y/n asked

"well ma mother said warren didn't come home last night and now he's in the hospital do you know what happened?" she asked

"no" y/n said and she then closed the door in nias face

"bitch really gonna ask me about the nigga the fuck" y/n shook her head

"i handled that it's cool" dd said

"what you mean?" y/n asked

"ian gonna say to much just know i handled him" dd said

y/n smiled surprisingly

she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a long hug


i forgot to post this one so it's just been sitting here💀

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