Part 10 new nation jura tempest

698 17 52

3rd pov

After rimuru became the leader of great forest of jura
He named all the orcs that still survived which was 169,000 hehe anyways

Rimuru:okay I will name you guys

Orcs:really thank you rimuru-sama !

Rimuru:no problem-smile-

Rimuru:okay your name is geld the orc lord

Geld:thank you rimuru-sama!

After rimuru named all the orcs and all the lizardman

Rimuru:*sigh* that took a while


Rimuru:hey Shizu!

Shizu:how are you?

Rimuru:~better now that you are here~


Rimuru:okay I will stop for a bit

Shizu:thanks anyways do you have time to hangout with me?

Rimuru:yea just let me do a errand than I am free

Shizu:okay then can I come with you!

Rimuru:~yea of course darling ~

Shizu:eeh you said you would stop!

Rimuru:yea for a bit

Shizu:you meanie!

Rimuru than finished his errand than they went to go eat out it was a nice place that wasn't too fancy

Rimuru:can I have a table pls?

Waiter:lord rimuru it's a pleasure for you to be here!and yes of course you can a table!

Shizu:thank you

Waiter:lord rimuru if you don't mind me asking what is your relationship with Shizu?

Rimuru:(hehe this a perfect moment to tease her)

Shizu:we are fri-

Rimuru:we are ~Lovers~

Shizu:eeh rimuru!-blushing-

Rimuru:hehe what's wrong?do you not love me?-sad face-

Shizu:it's not that-

Rimuru:than what is it?


Author E.V:I know what you are thinking I should have wrote I love you but it's going to be later on ...maybe the next part anyways

Back to the story

Rimuru:I am kidding anyways can we have our table?

Waiter:yes of course!

Shizu:(do I love him? I never felt this type of love so this is still new?my heart races every time I see him and I get butterflies eeh I love that cute little slime!!)

Author E.V:yes I said slime he can change race so every time he is with Shizu he turns into a slime because slime are soft so Shizu sometimes sleeps on him and also the author is dead in the other room by Ciel he will recover next part...hopefully anyways

Back to the story

Rimuru:eeh Shizu are you there?

Shizu:yea I am sorry,I was thinking about something

Rimuru:what was it?

Shizu:it's nothing to worry about

Waiter:here are the menus I will be over there if you are ready to order

Rimuru the void dragonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat