✰ 7:54 PM | J.WY

Start from the beginning

"So," he began. Your gaze didn't move to look at him. "What's the problem, hm?"

You ignored him once again, not sparing him a gaze.


Absolutely no answer.

Woo placed his knees on the mattress one at a time, beginning to crawl up to where you were. He sat next to your legs, tilting his head again.

"Baby" Still no answer.

He tapped your thigh, but still nothing. So he climbed over you, now hovering and blocking your view of the tv.

"What is it, my love? You need me? You miss me?" He mumbled, kissing your cheek. "Hm? Tell me."

You attempted to dodge another one of his kisses, not wanting to be bothered. But he was quick to place one in the crook of your neck.

"Wooyoung, move." Your voice rang with annoyance. He didn't care though.

"Now it's 'Wooyoung' ? Babe, what's wrong for real?" Woo tapped your thigh, waiting for you to speak up, but you never did. Instead, you pushed his hand away.

He scoffed, shaking his head, "Okay. Nah it's good, I got something for that."

Once again, you paid no attention to what he was saying. That was until he grabbed the remote and the tv went black.

"Bruh, what the fuck?!" You say up on your elbow, glaring at him. He ignored your complaints, continuing to pull off his jacket, white tee now on display.

You rolled your eyes, grabbing your phone off of the nightstand. You heard lots of shuffling, but didn't look to see what he was doing.

Next thing you knew was your phone being snatched out of your grasp and tossed across the room, hitting your vanity.

"Wha- Oh my go-?" You were cut short by Wooyoung flipping you over so you were now on your belly. He hovered over you once again, now at the shell of your ear.

"So.. we're gonna try this again," His voice now a bit lower before. "What's wrong, honey? You need something?"

You know, maybe that was your problem. Maybe that's why you were being so grouchy. Ya needed some 'Woo Time'.

(^ whew had me a good giggle 💀)

Your arms were folded, propping you up as you sat there. You didn't bother responding to Wooyoung, either. You didn't want him to have the glory of hearing you say you might've needed him.

A harsh smack on your ass made you come back to reality. You tried to seem annoyed with the action, but Woo could read you like a book. You looked looked silly trying to fool him.

"Still can't answer?" He laughed, getting off of you. "Don't move."

For a good minute you didn't hear anything until there was the sound of something hitting the ground. Clothes.

You remained silent as you waited for Wooyoung's next move. It dawned on you that maybe it wasn't a good idea to be so snappy at him. What he had in mind had you nervous but a bit excited at the same time.

You felt the bed dip, telling you he was crawling back towards you. You felt him grab ahold of your hips, pushing them upward.

His fingers wrapped around the waistband of your leggings, slowly pulling them down, throwing them somewhere. And surprise, surprise, there was a wet spot in the middle of your panties. The pad of his finger landed in the same spot, making you shudder.

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