Washing Machine Heart

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Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart

Shinobu was all dressed up for her date with Mendou. She didn't know how it came about. All of a sudden he asked her out. All her waiting and pining were finally coming into fruition. Maybe Shinobu was getting what she wanted after all.

She waited in her burgundy dress and matching hat, trying to hold in her excitement. He would be picking her up, but she stood by the door anyway. Any moment now, there would be a knock from him.

Baby, bang it up inside

To confirm her suspicions, there was a light rapping at the door. Taking a deep breath, Shinobu shifted her weight. Hopping from one foot to the other. She purposely hesitated for a few moments to not give the impression that she was desperate.

Finally, she opens the door to reveal her date all dressed in white. Mendou wore white usually but today he was wearing a suit with a deep red dress shirt underneath.

"Miss Shinobu..." he says breathlessly. "You look amazing." His eyes sparkled at the sight of her. They always sparkled but now the sparkle because of her.

Bashfully, Shinobu bends her head down so that her hat would conceal her face. "Thank you." She stepped out and closed the door behind her.

Mendou offered up his arm for her to take and she accepted. "Ready to go?"

Shinobu smiled. "I am."



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I'm not wearing my usual lipstick

Together they head to the shopping district for a nice walk. They planned to watch a movie but it wasn't showing until the evening.

They talked and laughed and everything was perfect.


They were riding the escalator, lost in each other eyes the only thing that broke them away was the sound of Lum's voice.

"Shuutaro!" she called out, "Shinobu! Where are you going?"

Lum must have assumed that the two were going out as friends. They just stared at her as their escalator went up and Lum's went down. Realization creeps onto Lum's face as she started back. Who knows what the alien was thinking at that given moment.

She didn't appear upset or happy, just confused. Lum quietly calls out their names again.

Was it really that strange?

Once Lum was out of sight, Shinobu glanced up at Mendou beside her. His expression was equally unreadable.

Baby will you kiss me already and-

Washing Machine Heart (Urusei Yatsura)Where stories live. Discover now