Start from the beginning

James came to a stop infront of her, looking at the girl expectantly with his arms held out. Sighing, she handed him her beloved pet.

"You know? Since I bought you this kitten with MY money, technically, she's mine."

"What? No. Jamie give her back to me right now!" She ordered, her eyes widening.

"And if I say no?" he shared a smirk with her twin.

"I will hex your bogeys to turn into bats if you try," she simply threatened.

Within a second, James took off running with Theo behind him, who called out laughing "You need to know magic to be able to do that."

Amaya stood for a second, annoyance filling her before chasing after them. That happened to be very difficult when you're an eleven year old, stuck in the middle of such a busy crowd.

"Theodore! James! If you don't give her-" she was cut off as she bumped into someone causing them both to fall over.


"Oi!" the little girl exclaimed.

"Excuse you. You happen to have bumped into me not...." the boy trailed off as he looked towards her.

"Not what?" she asked looking towards him challengingly, yet she felt shock at his gorgeous eyes.

How can someone's eyes be so pretty? They were grey and reminded her of the depth of the sea. A mesmiring shine was in them, causing her to stare at it.

The little boy stood up and held his hand out to her, "nothing, um if you don't mind me asking why were you running?"

She took his hand still mesmerised by his eyes, suddenly snapping back to her senses as she realised why she'd bumped into him. "My idiot brother and friend took my kitten and ran off."

To him the little pout on her face was adorable, "They wouldn't happen to be those two laughing over there, would they?" he jestured towards two boys bent over, laughing so hard you'd think they were crazy.

Amaya turned to look at them, her annoyance returning, "Yes. That's them, and that's my cat," she glared.

"Would you like to see something fun?" he asked, turning towards her.

"Absolutely," she said noticing the mischief his eyes held, the same emotion coming over her.

The boy smirked at her, taking out his wand and pointing it towards her brother and best friend. He whispered a spell, and suddenly both of them slipped and fell in the middle of everyone, silencing their laughter. Everytime they tried to get up, they slipped again as if there were banana peels across the floor.

It was now their turn to laugh. Amaya turned towards the boy and hugged him tightly, "You HAVE to teach me how to do that."

"O-of course," a red tint spread across the boy's face, as he suddenly became nervous. "What- what's um your name?"

"Amaya Nott. You are?"

"Regulus Black," he replied, immediately memorising her name.

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐑.𝐀.𝐁 & 𝐑.𝐉.𝐋)Where stories live. Discover now