"why are you not ready," she asked.

"well you see what had happened was-"

"Nope whatever you're about to say is gonna be a lie," Mindy said.

DJ gasped dramatically and held a hand to his heart. "I would never and besides that only depends on how you define lying" he replied cheekily.

"I define it as not telling the truth how do you define it," she asked.

DJ held his arm in the air. "By...lying your body at a horizontal position-"

"Dwight," she said sternly.

"Yes ma'am," he said softly. DJ's head lifted when he heard the sound of laughter coming from Chad.

"Shut it Scarface," he said frowning.

"Hey man not cool," Chad said.

"Says the guy who just snitched on me" DJ argued.


"Snitch Bitch" DJ retorted.

"Children do I need to put you both in time-out," Mindy asked

"No," they said simultaneously.

"Good, DJ go get dressed" she ordered.

"Why do I even need to go to this party"

"Because you've been in the apartment the last three months like a hermit and I'm sick of it" she answered.

"Plus Tara's gonna be there" Chad stated.

The line went quiet as memories of Tara filled his head. He shook the thought out of his head and cleared his throat.

"So" DJ replied walking away from the phone.

Chad chuckled loudly making him roll his eyes. "Yeah nice try buddy," he said.

"Guys were on a break," DJ said looking into his fridge.

Mindy scoffed loudly. "So, we know you still have feelings for her...and so does she".

DJ's ears perked up before running back to the phone.


"Whoa, slow down jack rabbit. I can't understand you when you talk that fast"

DJ scratched the back of his head embarrassed before clearing his throat.

"He said how do you know did she say something," Chad said.

DJ smiled big he could always count on Chad. "Thanks, man," DJ said gratefully.

"No Tara didn't say anything I know because whenever you two are in the same room you steal glances of each other" Mindy stated.

"Plus she still has a picture of you two as her background" Chad added.

A smile made its way to DJ's face at the thought of Tara still having their picture on her phone.

"Listen man you love Tara right" Chad asked.

"Of course, you know I do" DJ answered honestly.

"You wanna hold her!" He asked dramatically.


"Please her!".


"Then ya gotta, gotta try a little Tenderness!" he sang.

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