Beyond The Grave

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DJ pulled up to the home he shared with his dad and parked the car with a solemn look on his face. He paused and stared at the house in front of him. Memories of good and bad flooded his mind making his body tremble with anxiety. He closed his eyes and took a breath before getting the courage to get out of the car.

He got to the door and paused before he put the key in the door. He debated if this was a good idea or not because choosing to shrug off the nervous feeling in his gut and opened the door. When he walked into the house and looked around. He felt cold, the house lost its warmth and to DJ it didn't feel like home anymore.

He tried to ignore the feeling in his gut and walked to the kitchen. He took the gun out of his waist and stared at it before setting it on the table. His phone went off in his pocket. He looked at his phone and recognized his mom's number.

She was probably worried out of her mind about him. She was definitely going to kill him later, but he would focus on the consequences later. While staring at the phone he hesitated for a sec before hitting the ignore button.

He put his phone back in his pocket and walked over to the family photo sitting on his father's chest and picked it up. He looked at his dad's smiling face before setting it down. He went into the chest that holds his father's bullets and sheriff's badge.

When he opened the chest instead of bullets or even a sheriff's badge he found an old video camera with the words Play me on it.

"What the hell" DJ mumbled.

DJ carefully picked up the camera and took a seat at the kitchen table. He gave the skeptical look before opening the camera. He flipped through all the videos until he was at the most recent.

When he found it he saw the date and frowned. He pressed play and waited for it to start. Someone's hands were covering the camera for a second before a voice came into his ears. A voice he thought he would never hear again.

"How do you get this damn thing to work".

DJ's eyes widen as he stared at the camera

"Dad," he said softly.

He sat forward and covered his mouth with his hands. His dad finally got the angle right and took a seat. Dewey ran a hand down his face before facing the camera "Hey Dwight, probably not doing too good right now."

DJ didn't say anything as he stared at his dad. He felt himself already on the brink of tears as he took a deep breath.

"Yeah probably not, Your friend's uncle, Randy, did one of these so I figured I'd give it a shot. If you're watching this tape it means I'm dead..." He trailed off. DJ wiped away a stray tear from his face.

"First things first I'm sorry kid, I let you down, I let your mother down," he said.

"No dad," he said with a shaky voice. He started shaking his head.

"I texted your mother and told her not to come out here which now that I realize was probably a bad idea, your mother never listens to me," he said while chuckling.

DJ let a small smile grace his lips as he listened to his dad's words.

"I'm sorry to spring this on you, but I want you to be prepared," he said in a serious tone.

DJ heard this tone only once in his entire life. Back in 2011 when his parents wanted him to get outta town with a close friend. DJ screamed and fought them at every turn until his father used that tone.

"DJ you have to be ready, everything is going to change. I know right now you're angry and hurt. And you probably want revenge but you cannot act recklessly." His dad said.

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