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After DJ had left he went back to the hospital and walked in on Tara eating Lunch. He sighed in contentment when he saw the girls smile at him. He walked over to her a placed a kiss on her forehead. "Hey, how are you feeling," he asked.

She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Better I am starting to get color in my face, how'd the meeting go," she asked.

DJ scratched the back of his head and sat down next to her bed. " went, well," he said nervously.

"So it went bad-"

"It went so bad, Mindy had her crazy theory. Um, Wes accused my dad of the killer" he said frantically.

Tara gasped dramatically making DJ pause. "Why Daddy Dewey," she said.

DJ grimaced at the name. "Ugh I hate that name," he said.

Tara chuckled and nodded. "I know you do that's why I say it, but why would he suspect your dad'' she asked.

"Some bullshit reason saying cuz my mom divorced him and he crawled into a bottle, so, of course, I got defensive," he said.

"and what did you say," said asked.

He chuckled and looked away "I might've revealed that we're kinda together," he said with a red tint on his cheeks.

Tara held in a laugh as she stared at him. "And how'd they take the news".

"Well Amber, Mindy, and Chad said there happy for us in their own ways," he said with a smile.

"And Liv and Wes" she questioned.

"Well I'm pretty Liv spaced out when I said it, and as for Wes I kinda threatened him and left before he could say anything," he said ashamed.

Tara sighed and grabbed his hand "You shouldn't have done that. You are better than that" she stated.

"I know, I'll apologize later he can just be so-"

"Annoying," she said cutting him off. He looked down at her and smiled. "Trust me I know. Alright, what else" she said looking him in the eye.

DJ chuckled nervously as he stared at her. "what do you mean" he asked shyly.

She laughed at him and put a hand on his shoulder. "DJ, for all the time I have known you, you always say something to get the last word," she said.

"What I do not" he argued.

she just raised a brow while smiling."Fine I might've, possibly, maybe...told Wes his mom's lemon squares taste like...ass".

Tara's serious face broke as she started laughing while holding her stomach. DJ could only chuckle at her reaction. When Tara finally calmed down her face was red and she had tears in her eyes.

"Why- ow my stomach hurts. Why would you say that" she said smiling.

"I don't know okay it was like I was having an out-of-body experience," he said laughing.

"I can't believe you said that. I wish I could have been there to see that".

"Yeah it would have been ten times better if you had been there" he admitted.

Tara stared at him and squeezed his hand. "Well I'm glad you're here now, I really didn't want to watch this movie by myself"

"oh is that the only reason you want me here~," DJ said flirtily.

Tara sensed his tone and shook her head. "Yup that's all your good for" she said playfully.

DJ took that as a challenge "oh really". He leaned forward in placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. She leaned into the kiss as he trailed down her jawline. Tara's face held a deep red making him smirk.

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