''That is the hope, Your Grace.'' Lyonel agreed.

''Don't stand too upright, my Prince. You'll get knocked down.'' Criston warned and Aegon let out a grunt of distaste. ''Aegon.'' Criston began.

''I've won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy.'' Aegon said pompously. 

"Oh no, moody teenager coming in hot." Blyana teased. 

''Well, you'll have a new opponent then, My Lord of the Straw. Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother.'' Criston offered and Aegon and Aemond stepped forward, sparring swords lunging at criston but he was skilled warrior. The princes were yelling and grunting as they lunged and failed to knock criston down.

"See, this is why I dont want Teo training, he is going to think he can take on Criston or heavens Harwin." Blyana remarked. Larys kept an arm around Teo's chest as they dueled. He watched with wide eyes though. 

''You're gonna have to do better than that.'' Criston said smugly. Teo clapped out as Aegon and AEmond claimed their defeat. 

"I want to be good like Ser Criston!" Teo declared. 

"Am I no longer your favorite?" Aegon countered. 

"I dont think you ever were." Teo admitted honestly. 

"Rude." Aegon countered. 

''Ah. Weapons up, boys.'' Harwin remarked coming up to Rhaenrya's children. ''Give your enemies no quarter.'' Harwin glanced over at Criston and Aegon and Aemond, Rhaenyra's children seemed left out of the training most days. They were younger and werent going to be competing in tournaments anytime soon but Teo was younger than Luke and yet Criston was showing him more attention. 

"Adjust your grip, is that too heavy?" Criston questioned. 

"I think its supposed to be heavy." Teo countered. 

"Good lad." Criston agreed. 

''It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention... Ser Criston.'' Harwin remarked and Criston turned to him stiffly.

''You question my method of instruction, ser?'' Criston asked calmly. Rhaenyra didnt come to the training yard and ask about her boys, Blyana did. Therefore Criston was going to make sure Teo was taken care of. Luke and Jace didnt have a knack or excitement for training. Criston wasnt going to waste his time on boys that clearly didnt want to be here. 

''Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils'' Harwin suggested nodding to Jace and Luke.

''Very well. Jacaerys... come here.'' Criston agreed ''You spar with Aegon.'' Aegon chuckled seeing his younger cousin step forward nervously. ''Eldest son against eldest son.''

"I'm not doing that." Teo corrected knowing he was the eldest son. He stepped back into Larys. "Tell him I'm not fighting Aegon." 

"You are not fighting against Aegon." Larys assured. 

"Phew!" Teo agreed. "Because I think I insulted him and he's scary when he's mad."

''It's hardly a fair match.'' Harwin remarked.

''I know you've never seen true battle, ser, but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect.'' Criston remarked smugly. ''Blades up. Engage.'' The boys attacked, Aegon being elder and larger got Jace down easily but Jace had fire and he jumped back up. Running back Aegon knocked the straw dummy over onto Jace.

"This is bad." Blyana remarked as she turned running down the steps. 

"This is fun." Alicent corrected smirking from the balcony. 

''Foul play.'' Harwin remarked.

''I'll deal with him.'' Criston moved to Aegon as Harwin moved to Jace ''Plant your feet. You have a height advantage. Use it.'' Criston whispered. ''Advance on him...'' Aegon nodded and continued forward quietly before shouting.

''You!'' Aegon shouted lunging down on Jace.

"Stop this please Aegon!' Blyana demanded. 

''Close with him. Press him backward!'' Criston encouraged as Jace tried to get up, tried to scurry away. Blyana looked at Criston confused, why was he encouraging this?

"Ser Criston?" Blyana demanded. 

 ''Close with him! Stay on the attack! Use your feet!'' Criston went on, Harwin glanced back at him nervously. Aegon grunted out as he kept swinging. ''Don't let him get up.'' Criston shouted ''Stay on the attack! They are training, this is the best way to learn," Criston assured her.

''Enough!'' Harwin shouted pulling Aegon back from Jace.

''You dare put hands on me?'' Aegon shouted in outrage.

''Aegon!'' Viserys called down, that was not very prince like behavior his outburst. Alicent tensed when Harwin pulled Aegon back. 

"He dare lay hands on my blood." Alicent demanded. 

''You forget yourself, Strong.'' Criston said calmly. ''That is the Prince.''

''This is what you teach, Cole?'' Harwin countered ''Cruelty... to the weaker opponent?'' Harwin got down picking up the sparing swords.

"Come on boys, I think thats enough for today." Blyana offered. 

"That was scary." Teo whispered as she picked him up snuggling him to her. 

''Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander. Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother... or a son.'' Criston mused and Harwin charged at him. Blyana faltered back and Larys blocked her from them as Harwin pummeled Criston to the ground. 

''Get back!'' the kingsguard yelled pulling the princes away as the men dueled.

'' Say it again! Say it again!'' Harwin demanded as he was pulled back, Criston lay bloody on the ground but a smirk on his face.

''Thought as much.'' Criston muttered. Blyana looked from Harwin to Criston to Larys. 

"What the hell was that?"

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