Chapter 2

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What are you doing?” Louis turns around, dropping the bag as if it were on fire, and there in front of him he was. Dressed in dance clothes. Ballet clothes. And looking at him with a furious gaze.

Harry Styles.

“I said what the fuck are you doing?” Harry spits, eyes full of fury and looking at Louis as if his worst nightmare has come true. Maybe it is a nightmare. “Do you not understand what I’m saying?”.

Louis comes out of his stupor and looks at Harry with apologetic eyes, looking for the correct words to say. If Harry’s eyes are anything to go by, Louis really needs to think of his next words carefully, the poor lad looks frightened, as if he’s been caught on the spot of something horrible. Louis almost feels sorry for him, he knows the consequences of being “the ballet boy” too well.

“Sorry, man,” Louis says, taking a step back and raising his hands as if surrendering, “I was just curious about who was having a private, people don’t really have privates on Saturday afternoon so… yeah… oh, and I had left my bag in here, so I came to get it, again, I’m sorry”. 

Harry stares at him for a few seconds, and Louis can almost see the wheels working in the kid’s brain. Suddenly Harry shakes his head and walks to him, stopping only when he’s a few inches away from Louis’ face, his chest raising rapidly, his breathing controlled. Louis had never realized how tall Harry Styles actually was, always looking at him from afar, but now, only inches away from each other, Louis had to look up to look him in the eyes.

“Don’t mention this to anyone, Tomlinson, if you do, I swear to God…,” Harry trails off, his voice so low it could almost be a growl. He pushes Louis aside, grabs his bag and leaves the room, closing the door with a slam.

»»–––  H  –––««


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

That’s the only thing Harry can think as he walks over to his car. How could he be so careless? So stupid? Fuck. This academy was supposed to be his safe place, his sanctuary, and now it turns out there was always someone there that could’ve seen him, that could use that information against him.

Is not like he was ashamed of dancing, he loved it, and back when they didn’t live in this small town everyone knew about it. But here, in Doncaster, everyone was so bloody conservative there was absolutely no way he would be able to continue his normal life without getting bullied. Like that kid, Louis Tomlinson. Harry remembers him from of his classes, they don’t share that many, but it’s impossible not to notice him when he is the kid his team has been mocking all year long. Why do they bully him? Because he’s gay and he dances ballet. Fuck. Then there’s also the fact that he couldn’t not notice him when he walks around school and parties with those blueblueblue eyes.

To be completely honest, Harry doesn’t even know if that kid, Louis, is actually gay, he’s never seen him with anyone, but just the fact that he’s a bit sassier and more flamboyant than the other boys in Doncaster makes him a target for bullying. He gets bullied just from people thinking that he is gay. It only took one rumor to get Louis to that point. What would it take for Harry? Would they believe it? If Louis tells everyone about what just happened, could Harry lie? They’d believe him right away, being the team’s captain, never involved in any rumor. It would be easy… Would they bully Louis more for thinking he’s a liar?

No. Harry doesn’t like to think about the last possibility, because it won’t matter if the truth ruins his life in what’s left of the school year, he wouldn’t allow Louis get bullied more just because of his own actions. He will have to confront the truth eventually, even if he doesn’t want to. He’ll just have to find a way to convince the blue-eyed boy not to tell anyone.

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