The normal routine

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Kayla's P.O.V

Wake up loser! Adrian said, I am.. your such a ass I can get up without you yelling at me 24/7..ugh. I know but your my sister its fun plus we have 25 minutes before school starts and its Friday so... Fudge cakes i said Why couldn't you wake me up sooner.

        I got up and put in sweat pants and a tee, my hair was up in a messy bun and no makeup. I rushed downstairs and grabbed my bag and  a apple, my dad already left so my brother drives me to school isint he sweet... We got to school i said goodbye and he left, that jerk. I saw my friend Diana she had long brown hair and greenish bluish eyes she was wearing a tank top and shorts and no makeup(looks like zoella) because Friday is our "I Don't Give A F*** Day". We walked to class and I had to sit next to the jerk in our school his name was brenden and his two friends where Lucas and Noah..Ugh they are so annoying and picking on me which i didn't care. I gave Diana a look saying help me or kill me. (4 periods later) The bell finally rang and we left for lunch, i was hungry since we ran in 3rd hour and I had a light breakfast. Me and Diana took our original spots and ate intil the little shiz came by and spilled pop all over me I was ready to punch him intil Diana took my arm and lead me to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I kept thinking to myself what did I ever do to Brenden, I knew him since the 1st grade and he hates me but I did nothing. The bell rang and soon enough it was the end of school thank god, I literally hugged Diana ran to my car not tripping and came home and then sleep took over to me.

Still Kayla's P.o.V

I looked over at my alarm clock it was 11:00, I groaned and got up I walked downstairs to see my dad making breakfast, it was so weird to me he never makes breakfast...So whatcha making? I asked my dad

I am making pancakes, sassy sausage and bacon for all of us..Kayla, so why don't you go get your brother and go ahead and eat...alright -my dad responded

Oh okay..I thought to my self he never does this, something went wrong and I am determined to find out, but first I must go get my asshole as a brother excuse le language..(her mind-okay so I'll grab the spray bottle walk in his room and spray him till it looks like he peed muhahah) so I walked in his room I had my bottle in my right hand I grabbed his sheets with my left I ripped it off and sprayed him. !KAYLA!OMFG YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO RUN OR ELSE I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL!! He said, I sprinted down the stairs and then he grabbed me and was messing up my hair until I heard my dad "ahmm" and we both stopped and grabbed our plates and eat silently.

Then next our after breakfast I took a shower and got ready for our girls day

K: pick me up I am ready to spend and have fun!
D:alright I'm coming looser and same!! And find some hotties;)
K: haha! Yes alright see ya soon..
D: see ya girly..
------------25 minutes later-------------
-knock, knock, knock, KNOCK-
Alright alright I'm cominggg.....I opened the door and Diana appeared wearing a Dan and Phil shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and brown uggs, light makeup.I yelled out 'Im leaving' and got a response saying 'K' I hate when people say that. Well we started for the mall walking through all the stores and looking at guys finally 3 hours later 4 full bags and its lunch time we ate Chinese and then left. We walked in the house and dropped our bags and decided to watch win Dixie the doggie was so cute. It's came about 8:00pm and Diana left I had a good day. I took a warm shower, and put on pajamas then climbed into bed and sleep took over me....ZZZzzz

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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