His thumbs resting against your lower lip, pull against it slightly before he leans in and presses his lips to yours. The softness of the kiss lingers as he pulls away.

Your eyes drop down to his parted lips.

His hands follow the now familiar trail in reverse, brushing back along your jaw. He traces the back of your neck with one hand just as lightly as he had everything else before grabbing it in a vice grip suddenly, forcing a gasp from you. He massages the nape of your neck, as he moves his other hand into your hair and grips it tightly.

"Tell me to stop." The words come out as a raspy whisper, just a slight hint of desperation tinged around the edges.

Confusion momentarily clouds your already sensation-addled mind. You open your eyes and search his face for clues. The words come out between heavy breaths. "Why on earth would I tell you that?"

Just as quickly as his hands gripped your hair, his teeth bite down around your earlobe. It's sharp and a louder than you intended noise escapes your mouth.

His breath comes out in a soft sigh. His hands release their hold on you and drop to brush the sides of your neck and shoulder with featherlight touches as he speaks.

"Give me your hands."

He brings his hands down from your neck and makes a small gesture, obviously expecting you to place your hands in his.

You lift your hands from their comfortable spot, your thumbs are hooked in his belt. You place your wrists in his waiting hands.

He spends a moment running his fingers across your hands lightly before bringing them up to the front of his throat and placing them there carefully. His body tenses immediately, even before you have time to react to what he has done.

Your eyes grow wide as his face goes slack. "Are you asking me for what I think you're asking me for?"

The tension in his body starts to slowly ease. You can feel him relaxing against your hands. The nod he gives you is almost imperceptible as he leans his head back slightly and his breathing deepens.

"I'm going to need you to use your words, Matthew." You run your thumbs along the pointed edge of his jaw on the left side of his face. This wasn't something new, it was just rare that he asked you this way.

He sputters out a quick and stilted, "Yes, ma'am. Please."

You push your thumbs against the back of his jaw, forcing his already tilted head to stay in place. Your fingers tighten just slightly over the delicate flesh of his throat, pushing against the sides. You can feel his pulse quicken under your fingertips as a groan falls from his parted lips. His eyes fall shut and you can feel his adam's apple shift as he swallows against your palms.

A sound erupts from low within your throat not unlike a quiet growl as you put more pressure against his jaw with your thumbs, tilting his head back further and exposing more of his throat to you, ensuring he feels as vulnerable as you can make him.

His body freezes and you can feel each breath he takes, each beat of his heart, each heave of his chest. His cheeks start getting a deep red blush across them.

"Please...stop." His voice is barely audible but laced with desperation and panic. It's a delicious and delicate sound.

You know very well what his safeword is and what he means by pleading with you. You bear down harder with your fingers on the sides of his throat, cutting off more of the blood flow.

A few moments later, he gasps and taps your leg with his hand hard, the color draining from his face, "Yellow, sweetheart, yellow." He coughs the words out sharply.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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