Chapter 7

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As soon as the sun had started to rise through the Kingswood, Rhaellanne and Rhaenyra had quickly abandoned their camping site and headed back to the lake on horseback so that they could both wash the dirt off of them, and Rhaenyra could wash off the blood that had dried onto her skin

Once they had, Rhaenyra turned to her sister and asked "What now?" 

"I suppose we go back," sighed Rhaellanne "Do you think father will be mad?"

Rhaenyra nodded "Furious probably. He hates it when we disobey him, and after dismissing his marriage pacts so quickly he will probably be even angrier"

"I know we both love our father, but just because he will be mad does not mean we should let him win so easily. If father wants to marry us off, he should at least give us the decency of letting us know about it beforehand" said Rhaellanne

The elder twin smiled sadly. "I agree. Did you notice that he has not sent anyone after us? Perhaps he really does want Aegon to be heir after all"

Rhaellanne shook her head. "I do not think he does, but I think Otto and Alicent will stop at nothing to make sure he is. But as long as you and I stick together, we will do whatever it takes to stop that from happening. It is time that the people of Westeros moved on from only having men on the Iron Throne"

"You would make a great Hand when I am Queen," smiled Rhaenyra "I know you would prefer to be on dragon back and I would never stop you from doing so, but there is no one I trust more"

Her sister snorted. "I'll think about it. And come on, we should get going, it's a long ride back to camp"

Rhaenyra agreed, and reluctantly they both climbed back on their horses, and began to walk back through the woods. It was difficult to find the route back amongst the thick trees, so they decided to try find high ground to spot the camp from a distance.

They climbed up a hill they came across on the way back, which had few trees on, and from the top of it, they could sure enough see the camp in a clearing in the distance

"Do we really have to go back?" asked Rhaenyra

Rhaellanne sighed "Unfortunately. Father is right about one thing. We are princesses and if we want to gain any respect from the realm, we must follow our duties until you are crowned Queen."

"Fun," her sister said, rolling her eyes

From beside them, there came a snap of twigs and both of their heads snapped in the direction of it, afraid after the boar attack from the night before. But this time it was not a harmful or vicious animal that was watching them, but it was a majestic and beautiful creature, a white hart

They were said to be signs from God, and a symbol of royalty in Westeros. It was the dream of any man to hunt and catch one, but it was said that it was impossible to ever catch one because they were not meant to be hunted, but were a sign of power and beauty. And both girls knew deep down that the fact that the white hart had revealed itself to them was a sign of Rhaenyra's path to becoming queen

The white hart bowed its head, as if nodding to the, before it turned and ran off down the hill

Still in a daze of shock, the twins kicked their horses back into action and walked down to the edge of the hill before the horses began to ran through the trees. They followed the direction they had seen the camp in and soon enough, they had found it

They glanced at each other and nodded before they walked their horses out of the tree line and slid off of their backs before handing the reins of the horses off to two stable boys that were responsible for their care

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