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Hard yet quiet footsteps, echoed through the hallway upstairs, Zaira and True asleep on the couch downstairs, The Proud Family theme song playing on the tv at a low volume.

The footsteps stop outside of Zaira's bedroom before continuing inside, touching and looking at everything in the room. Picking up a small polaroid picture of True, they look at it for a few seconds before clenching it tightly in their fist and putting it in their pocket.

"Mhm.." Zaira let out a soft sigh as she woke up, looking around for her phone finding it laying beside her. She read the time, 8:30 PM. She picked True up, carrying her upstairs to her bedroom, laying her in the bed carefully to not wake her up.

Zaira strolls into her bathroom, opening the door to her steam shower and climbing in, instantly feeling relieved as the hot water hit against her skin. The bathroom instantly steamed up, creating a thick fog that filled the entire area.

Unbeknownst to her, she wasn't the only one in the bathroom. Zaira was too distracted in her shower routine, exfoliating her body to realize that someone was watching her. A full figure and outline of a person creeping out watching her through the mist before they walked out, leaving the bathroom door open.

"Mommy?" True sat up in her bed after hearing shuffling in her room. She tried to look, squinting her eyes as she looked in the corner, a figure materializing and walking towards her. She looked up, seeing someone she had never seen before.

"W-Who are y-you?" She asked, a small frown on her face as she kept her eyes on him.

"A friend." He mumbled, his delicate yet cold voice coming to life. He handed her a toy, her eyes lighting up with glee as a smile appeared on the impressionable almost five year old's face.

Zaira stepped out of the shower, drying off and getting dressed after moisturizing her body. She turned the light off as she headed out of her bathroom, closing the door and walking towards her bedroom door. Stopping in her tracks, the faint sound of giggles and whispers coming from True's room caught Zaira's attention. She opened her sliding barn style bedroom door slowly so she could avoid drawing attention to herself.

She tiptoed down the hall, a creak in the floorboard underneath her foot caused the giggling to come to a halt. Faint shuffling around True's room prompted her to open her door quickly and turn the light on.

"Who are you talking too?" She stood there as her hand rested on the door knob, True looking over at her a little startled by her sudden appearance.

"M-my friend." She kept her eyes on Zaira as the two just stared at each other, the room falling silent once again. True's gaze shifted to her closet door that was right beside her bedroom door, slightly cracked open.

"Your friend?" Zaira stepped in the room a little more, allowing the door to slowly creak as it closed. True nodded with a smile, picking up the light brown stuffed bear.

"H-he g-gave me this." She held it up for Zaira to see, her mind started to wonder what she meant by "he" specifically. She didn't question the toy, she had bought it for True a few months ago.

"Who? I mean..where is your friend?" Zaira chuckled, playing into True's imagination as she walked over to her, sitting down beside the girl as she reached for the bear.

"I- I'm not allowed to say. H-he said i-it's a g-game." She giggled as she shook her head, Zaira sighing with a little smirk. Zaira didn't realize that True kept glancing past her shoulder as her closet door started to open.

"True..what game?" She leaned her head to the side, looking at her daughter as she fondled with the bear's soft fuzzy ear.

"Shh mommy." True whispered with a soft voice as she pressed her finger against her lips, following the movements of the person standing behind Zaira.

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