yin hufu

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Author's pov

Wei ying and wen ning were sleeping peacefully when they heard the explosion causing them to fall from their bed, on which they were sleeping. They stood up caressing their backs amd looked at each other. When wei ying nodded his head ,they both left to see what was happening.

On their way, they meet lan zhan, wei changze and xue yang, who also woke up on hearing this explosion. They looked at each other and as if they understood for what they are here, they moved towards the area from where the sound came to check, only to  find yanling daoren standing there with shocked face.

They moved to stand beside him to see and asked him about the explosion, but they were also shocked to see the place infront of them.

The scene infront of them had shocked them to the core that they can't even speak something. There was the place with heavenly aura with abundance of pure yang energy. The place itself was like heaven and to be in such a place filled with resentment. They can't help but think that how this place was still intact even after those incidents.

Wei ying on seeing this was shocked. He went inside the broken barrier to enter in this place and was again shocked. If only he had known or find this place in his past life, he would have still made it out alive and happy, alongwith his wen fanily. This place has everything they needed for their survival. There were various fruits trees, multiple herbs, fresh water source and other things. He then looked at his jiujiu to confirm his suspicions who nodded his head on feeling his gaze.

"So my theory is right huhh" he said thinking out aloud

"What theory wei ying?" Asked lan wangji who was also surprised on seeing this place

"Ah that, on seeing this place I come to think that, this was how burial mounds was before laolao gave it to cultivators" he said


"It's beautiful and mesmerizing" chided xue yang while wen ning nodded his head on seeing this.

"Yeah, it is. If only I had found it in my past life, we would have led a beautiful and happy life" wei ying said lost in his thoughts

"Don't dwell on past baobei. We are here now and everything will be fine. Let's just focus on what is coming rather than dwelling on what should have been done" said wei changze on seeing the sad on his son's face

"A-die is right, wei ying" lan zhan joined. Wei changze had asked him to call a-die after they were engaged

"Okay" wei ying said then turned to his shifu to ask him about something that he remembered

"But da-jiu how did you find this place and that explosion?"

"Ying-er, I was checking around to confirm security when I came across a powerful barrier. I sensed it and tried to dispel it, but nothing happened. And when I tried to force it open, it backfired into an explosion which leads a cut on my palm when i tried to block it with my hands. I was expecting another attack , But nothing happened, so I looked at it to find it open. And that was when you guys arrived here." Yanling daoren explains

Wei ying nodded his head and moved towards the barrier to examine it. He found the barrier to be very powerful and it can't be open by anyone unless you belong to same family, because this barrier is a blood barrier. It recognizes blood of the same family to  open.

"Da-jiu, this is a blood barrier probably set by a powerful cultivator, maybe an immortal too. That's why when you tried to force it open, it backlashed. But when your blood dropped on the barrier, it sensed your blood, it stopped attacking and opened for you." Wei ying said leaving the rest for his da-jiu to understand

"You mean this barrier was set by our ancestors and it opened once he sensed my blood" he asked confirming his suspicions

"Yes" said wei ying

"Then it means that we can restore its barrier because you and I, we both have sanren blood in our veins" said yanling doaren

"Depends" said wei ying

"Good, this place is good for cultivation. Wangji, you will cultivate here for the time being. It will help you boost your yang energy. And as for wen ning and xue yang, I will made an yin bubble for you to refine this pure yang energy into something that is suitable for your cultivation.

But you two have to mix your own energy into this bubble for it to identify your requirements and needs. Only then it will help you boost your cultivations." Instructed yanling daoren

"Shi, shifu" they replied in unison

"Let's go and eat something for now, then wei ying and I will head to the heart of the mounds" he again said and everyone agreed.

After having a light breakfast wei ying and yanling doaren packed some necessary things like solid food and water and other things for their survival. They bidded their farewell to others and started their jouney. After traveling on foot for some 3-4 hours they reached the heart of the mounds.

They reached a place that looks exactly same like others but has densest resentment. If yanling doaren had not warned him about the invisible barrier, wei ying wouldn't have even felt it. And wei ying is very knowledgeable in tailsmans and barrier, only second to his laolao and his father. He looked around when yanling was busy removing barriers following the method told by his mother.

The place is covered in thick resentment energy but it was not oppressing, not for them atleast . It was because, this was the exact place where they buried thier ancestors. The energy residing in this place is anything but harmful to them. The barriers opened and resentment energy leaped towards them. But instead of feeling cold and fear, the both felt warm and a sense of security coming from this energy.

They moved inside the barriers and noticed the graves. They were still intact like their ancestors were just buried yesterday. They were surprised but know-towed intront of the graves as a sign of utmost respect. When they stood up after know-towing, they were once again swarmed by resentments.

'Our blessings will always be with sanrens, kids' they looked at each other with knowing look when they heard it in their mind. So wei ying requested 

"I, wei ying courtesy wuxian greets his ancestors. I am here to request for their help, to save my loved ones and the world " he said

'We know child and we are glad to help you like before' a sweet voice resonated in his head

"Before?" Wei ying question, he can guess where it is going

'Mhm, before. In your past life, we were the one to help you to make chenqing when we saw you making yin hufu' the sweet voice said again

Wei ying was overwhelmed when he heard this, he again bowed to them as a thankyou. After a moment they were again surrounded by yin energy and the barrier close itself down.

Wei ying started making yin hufu with the help of his ancestors. They guided him to correct his past mistakes. All the generations of sanrens were able to cultivate yin and yang, and since their ancestors only use yin after dying, they transferred their remaining yang energy into wei ying forming a protective layer on his core and boosting his cultivation.

And to balance his cores, they also transferred refined yin energy to him. They extracted resentment from yin and refined it with their own energy giving a part of their own energy in it. This will help wei ying in controlling yin hufu and no mortal will ever be able to take control of yin hufu besides wei ying, because they connected wei ying and yin hufu with their own energies.

It took wei ying 3 weeks to forge yin hufu. And when he forged it, he felt an immense boost in his own cultivation. The yin hufu is now just a first class spiritual weapon and can only be controlled by wei ying.

On the other side, lan wangji is training in that spiritual cave under the supervision of wei changze. Wen ning and xue yang are also training with him in their own bubble.

They trained continuously, without taking breaks. They just stopped to eat and rest for sometime or to meditate. Their cultivation also boosted to another level. While completing their training, they are waiting for wei wuxian and yanling doaren to come, so that they can finish their last training and head to their families.

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