Coming Home

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I'm so excited! I get to see my husband after ten months on tour! My husband is the one and only Harry Styles. I was cooking some nice ramen noodles when I heard the door to the flat open. "Y/N!" The voice called out.

I knew who it was. "Harry!" I ran to him. "Hey babe!" He dropped his bags and hugged me tightly. We pulled back a bit and he kissed me. "Missed you Y/N/N." He smiled softly at me. "I missed you too Hazza." I returned the smile. "Anyways! Want something to eat?" I grabbed his bags. "Nah, I want to hang out with you all day." Harry held me close.

"Harry the noodles." I chuckled at his face when he realized that I was cooking. "Sorry love!" He kissed my head and turned on the T.V. I smiled to myself. How did I get so lucky with him?

"Harry, do you want some?" I asked walking up to him with my bowl. "I can make them myself when I'm hungry." He stated. I shook my head at him. "Wanna go out and do something fun?" He emphasized the word fun. "I mean yeah, I'll go get changed." I shrugged putting my bowl down. "No you look fine!" He whined.

"Harold, I'm literally wearing a pair of Adidas Sweatpants with a black snoopy shirt and my hair is a mess. I do not look fine." I told Harry. "Fine go and change Y/N." He slumped back into the couch. "Did I make poor little Haz mad?" I teased. "You will if you don't get changed." He glared. I put my hands up in defense and got up.

[A/N: wear whatever your heart desires!] I came back from changing when his jaw dropped. "My god Y/N. You look awesome!" He said impressed by my quick change. "I try." I shrugged. "Then you do try every single day of you life." He pulled me close and kissed me.

"Love you." Harry confessed. "Love you too babe." I smiled at him. I love my husband so much. Even if he isn't home at all. He still has a place in my heart that no one can take. "Since you look nice, let's go out to the amusement park!" Harry said joyfully. "Whatever you say Hazza." I laughed. I tied on my shoes and grabbed my purse. Harry laced his fingers with mine and we went on our way.

I forgot to mention that I am TERRIFIED of roller coasters. He still takes me on one. Once we go up the hill, I grip onto his hand tightly. "Your alright Y/N/N." He kissed my hand. I squeezed my eyes shut once we went down the hill. Let me just say, that was awesome!

Once we got home, we both got changed and got into bed. "I love you Harold." I mumbled into his bare chest. "Love you too Y/N." He kissed my head. And we slept like that. Tangled up with each other.

Heyy! This is my first imagine so no hate please!

Love you all so much!


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