adjusting (chapter 2)

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(Rochelle POV)

I woke up to a gentle voice calling my name. I opened my eyes to see a Hispanic boy with an afro shaking me. His name was Jacob I think.

"Rochelle wake up...Rochelle" he said calmly

I opened my eyes and sat up rubbing the back of my head.

"You're finally awake I've been calling you for ages" he said smiling.

Rayan was still asleep next to me snoring slightly. He looked cute and innocent. Uggh nope I am not falling for this guy. He's the reason I got taken away from my father. Yeah he gave me away but he's my dad and we looked after each other and kept each other even though he would be the reason I was in danger most of the time.

"yoooo earth to Rochelle" Jacob said waving his hand in my face. I slapped it away and kissed my teeth at him. Putting his hand in my damn face like who he think he is?

"feisty one huh?" he chuckled slightly "that won't last long"

"what do you mean?"

"don't worry about it anyways, the reason I'm here is to give you this" he said holding up a small maids dress that was above the knee and strapless in one hand and a pair a black stilettos in the other.

"you want me to wear that piece of cloth and those death traps?" I asked in disbelief. I wasn't really in to dresses I was more into skinnies, tees, sneakers, and beanies. Right now I'm wearing this:

although my dad was poor I made money occasionally but just enough to by food and clothes

"yeah you have to wear it, all our maids do" he said casually

"all our maids? What do you mean?" They had other maids?! Than why is my ass here?

"yeah we have like 8 other maids" he shrugged

"oh...but yeah anyway I'm not wearing that"

"but you gotta"

"and if I don't?" like I said earlier I'm a badass.

He moved closer to me, so close that his face was right next to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He lingered there for a while than he whispered in my ear "If you don't than....well let's just say things won't turn out well" he pulled back and winked at me leaving me wondering what in the hell he was talking about.

"anyways put that in your wardrobe" he said pointing to the dress and heels than he walked out leaving me there still stunned. I snapped out of my daze and carefully crept off the bed trying not to wake up Rayan. I put the dress and heels in the wardrobe and flopped back on my bed and sighed loudly. I saw Rayan start to move as he woke up.

"hey.." he said in a tired voice. It was kind of a turn on. Wait, wait I take that back it was know.

"sorry I woke you up" I said putting my hands behind my head.

"It's cool" he replied doing the same

"what time is it?" I asked

He checked his rolex "9: 45"

"Oh my god we slept for like 4 hours "

"haha yeah" he said sitting up and stretching. I sat up as well and leaned on the sideboard as I sighed again

"you okay?" he asked turning to face me

"yeah I'm fine just thinking about this new lifestyle of mine. I had so many plans and now....I just, I Dunno"

Rayan looked down like he was ashamed and now I feel bad. Great -__- this is why I just smile and say I'm okay coz if I don't I'll just say something wrong.

"soooo" I say trying to break the ice "I didn't know you had other maids here"

"yeah my dad brings in a couple new ones every month" he said looking back at me "you'll probably get to meet them tomorrow"

"oh okay" I replied

"I don't like that my dad has girls taken from their homes you know" he said looking me in my eyes. He looked so sincere and......sad? "It's wrong and they deserve to live a normal life and hate that I'm one of the reasons that they can't" he said turning away to face the wall. Oh Gosh I feel even worse now. I had no idea he felt like that. I mean you would think a teenage boy would be happy surrounded by girls that will do anything for him on his command.

"Rochelle?" he said turning to face me

"yeah?" I said looking away. He used his index finger to gently turn his my face to his so he we were looking into each other's eyes, into each other's souls. His touch sent chills down my spine and his eyes just added onto the affect, I

"I hope you now I'm not a bad guy"

"never that" I replied quietly still lost in his eyes. I saw him lean in and I started to panic. What am I doing?! I pulled back before his lips could touch mine.

"I-I'm so sorry" he said as he jerked back and got off the bed quickly but I could see pain in his eyes. I didn't want to reject him but I wasn't going to fall for him. I looked at him with apologetic eyes.

"sorry" he said again before he speed walked out of the room.

"damn" I whispered while facepalming myself. I got over to the wardrobe to get the provided pyjamas that I saw in the bottom of my wardrobe when I put the dress in there full stop. They looked like this:

I changed into them and left my other clothes in the wardrobe and got back into bed, like I'm gonna be able to sleep...

(Rayan POV)


She's probably gonna think I'm a total creep right now. I face palm myself as I walk down the hall to the main living room where the rest of the boys are watching tv and getting a massage from some of our other maids.

"hello Master Rayan" Star one of our maids said walking behind me as I flopped down on the single sofa and covered my face with one of my hands.

"hi" I said

"would you like a massage?" she said putting her hands on my shoulders

"not now star just leave me I said" I was already irritated I don't need her following me around right now. I gotta do something to make Rochelle see I'm not a creep OR a bad guy...

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