"Sam and Lakyn's dad though..." Gale yells from across the room, using her finger to make a slit motion across her neck playfully.

"We get it!" Sam and Lakyn say in unison, as Sam steps next to us beside the television.

"Our dad was shot in the head." Lakyn shrugs, "and yeah he deserved it, I have no problem admitting that."

"Exactly!" Sam agrees exasperatedly, "the only reason we told Tara the truth was because of what was happening. Do you seriously think the two of us wanted the world to know that our dad was a psychotic, nut-face serial killer?"

"...that we wanted the entire world to think the two of us orchestrated an entire murder spree?" Lakyn raises her voice, becoming frustrated with the conversation. I use the hand resting on her shoulder to rub the skin there, slowly massaging the muscles to try and relieve her stress.

"How the fuck did they get all of this anyways?" Tara cuts the tension in the room, preventing a conflict that was brewing, "Isn't this like, evidence?"

Gale walks up behind Tara, swaying as she moves before placing a hand on her shoulder, "cops like money, and evidence can get lost pretty easily." She beams, clearly enjoying her discovery.

"All of this stuff is making me uneasy," Lakyn looks up at me, her blue eyes burning into mine, "I want to leave."

I sigh, tightening my arm around her and bringing her back into a hug. The way I am able to fully engulf her with my arms, pressing her into my body, makes my heart palpitate, she is so goddamn cute I don't know if I can handle it, "if they're not done here in another fifteen minutes, you and I will leave on our own, sound good?" I ask, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head.

"Sounds great actually," she giggles, placing a hand on my neck to pull me closer to her, "I'm rather eager to get you alone." She whispers into my ear, smirking as she returns to her original position, arms around my torso at my side. I feel that feeling of heat rising to my cheeks again, a light blush forming there as I lower my hand from Lakyn's upper waist, to her hip.

God fucking damnit, this girl is making me crazy.

"They must've found this place before they killed Jason and Greg," Gale states, shrugging her shoulders, "took all the masks from Billy and Stu to Amber and Richie."

Mindy raises a finger, grinning, "If this were a normal stab movie, we'd be in the killers lair right now."

"Meaning," Kirby cuts in, connecting her eyes with Mindy's, "we're not in a normal stab movie."

"So somebody killed these chucklefucks and took over?" Chad asks, which causes a giggle to erupt from Tara's mouth as the two of them examine a rope across the room... which I think is the one that Billy used to hand Casey Becker from her front-yard tree.

"Someone who thinks Lakyn and Sam are next." My dad speaks up, after sitting here silently for god knows how long. He looks at me briefly, with those same disappointed eyes burning into mine. It had barley been twenty-four hours, and he was already starting to take out his grief on me; I love my sister, but it was always about Quinn. They practically went on a trip and left me home alone every single weekend, even after the death of my mother, just to go and do god-knows-what. Part of me thought maybe he would appreciate me more after losing her, but one look from him tells me exactly the opposite... he's going to appreciate me even less. Blame me for being the survivor.

"Next for what?" Tara asks, looking between her two sisters.

I know she's been through a lot, and I feel for her, but I have even more empathy for Lakyn and Sam right now. Nobody can relate to what they're going through, and I can't imagine how horrible it is for them. At least they have each other. It can't be easy to be accused of executing mass murder, let alone being accused of murdering their own mother in cold blood, all for what... to avenge their father that they never stood up for in the first place? It makes no sense, whoever started these fucking rumors needs to have their head examined.

Delicate: Ethan LaundryWhere stories live. Discover now