Mrs. Croaker walks away. Marcy turns to the frog that was selling fruit.

Marcy and Y/n: "Hello."

The frog pulls a rope and the shop window closes.

Marcy: "Hmm."

Y/n: "Wonder what their problem is."

Marcy and you walk of to find another frog to introduce yourselves. The two of you approach three pollywogs.

Marcy: "Hi there. My name's Marcy."

Y/n: "And I'm Y/n."

Marcy: "Do you have any time right now to talk about Wartwood's unique architectural history?"

Blue Pollywog: "Uh..."

Purple Pollywog: "Are you weirdos?"

You and Marcy find another frog that is playing an accordion and is seemingly missing an eye."

Marcy: "Oh, my gosh. Are you a vagrant? Is that an accordion? Is that eye really gone?"

Y/n: "And if it is how did you lose it?"

Wally: "Too many question."

Wally throws his accordion through a window and then dives in after the accordion.

Marcy and you: (sigh)

You and Marcy go sit down by the town founder statue.

Anne: "Hey, Mar-Mar, N/n. How's your guys first day Wartwood going?"

Y/n: "Pretty good."

Marcy: "Oh, great. Did you know this entire town is built on top of a swap but never sinks?"

Y/n: "That's because the designers knew exactly how heavy to make everything."

Anne: "That's a cool fact. What else you learn?"

Marcy: "We also learned small communities like this don't take kindly to strangers, which means we don't have a chance."

Anne: "Don't be ridiculous. Of course they'll accept you."

Marcy: "You sure about that?"

Marcy points to a crowd of people that have pitch forks and torches.

Y/n: "Hey, back off!"

Anne: "Guys, come on! They're with me."

Male frog #1: "All right, if you say so."

Y/n: "Wait, is that Polly?"

Polly: "I go where the mob goes, Y/n!"

Y/n: "Respectable."

Marcy and you sigh and look down.

Anne: "They'll warm up to you. It just takes time."

Marcy: "Time or maybe a strategy."

Anne: "Gonna say time still."

Marcy: "Come on, Anne. People are just another puzzle to solve. Operation Connect with Wartwood engage!"

Marcy gets up and strikes a pose. But then accidentally falls backwards hitting the town founder statue.

Marcy: "Woah, woah, woah!"

The statue falls over and it's arm breaks off. A group of frogs surround the statue.

Male frog #2: "What the? The town founder whose name I don't even know. How dare she!"

Male frog #1: "It's that klutzy outsider."

Amphibia Marcy Wu X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now