I love breadsticks

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Hi everyone, so the picture I uploaded on here is who will be playing Ellie, which is Kristen Stewart, as a blonde.

xx Zed

Constances POV

I watch in boredom as Liam tumbles into the water, the others in fits of laughter instead of assisting the flustered boy out of the icy lake.

How immature.

I crouched lower behind the bush tugging away my auburn hair that had been caught in the leaves, my breath hitching in my throat as they all take a step back in attempt to avoid the water Liam was thrashing about in.

They were all a bunch of idiot children, I still see no use as to why I'm here. 'Observe and report back to me, anything of the slightest.' he demanded. I rolled my eyes at the memory of Hayes telling me that. What was there to observe really?

At that moment Harry, turned his head to Trina, a small smile creeping on his lips at the sight of her, and for a moment just gazed at her, almost as if he was admiring het. She turned to him briefly and shyly smiled as well before darting her attention elsewhere, her fingers fidgeting nervously. Is that a spark I see?

Smirking, I watched them for a while, slightly amused at their banter, for a second I felt an odd tug at my heart. However it was gone as fast as I when I had felt it. I shook my head before sliding aways slowly, then I stood up and jogged away. Back home. Back to hell.


"Where have you been!"

"Well hello to you too satan."

He glowered at me and trudged past me in a huff, his black cape flowing behind him lamely. "Is the cape really necessary Hayes? You look like a bloody fool."

He whipped around and took a few steps towards me, and in a hushed voice whispered, "I look badass."

"No, no you really don't."

He ignored my comment and continued to pace, gripping his chin tightly. "Its- it's almost done. Ive been waiting for this for years Constance. Only a few more months and the Altrice will finish loading. I just need them all here." He abruptly stopped and turned to me with furrowed brows, "What about today? Have you noticed anything odd about them? Anything interesting or remotely useful for once?"

I shook my head and shrugged, "Nope, they're just being their immature, lousy selves Hayes." I admitted monotone.

He slammed his hand in the table next to him with so much force it split in half. I jumped at the noise and straightened up a bit, in attempt to seem unaffeted by his outburst.

"For once, Constance! Can you do somwthing right! There has to be something that I can use against any one of them, yet you come back here everytime, with no god damn information! This is not what I payed you for!"

"You don't pay me." I muttered dryly.

"Well. It's a good thing I dont. Youre pointless. What am I supposed to do if I can't get them here, I spent my whole damn life building the Altrice!

"You are in real need of another hobby."

He didn't appreciate my sarcasm and so he gripped my shoulders tightly, his hands glowing a familiar shade of violet, I gasped in shock as he shoved me harshly on the floor. the impact of my back to the wooden base was barely felt, however my shoulders throbbed painfully. Sliding my shirt down my shoulder slightly, I whimpered slightly at the sight of the bright red hand mark engraved there, a bright purple line outlining it.

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