Fishy situation

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Harrys POV

I gazed at her from the top of the building of which I was perched on. She wallked through town holding a small bag of fruit she had gotten from the market. She adorned black jeans, ripped all the way from top to bottom as well as a white button up shirt. Her chestnut hair whipping around since it was so windy.

I looked down at Louis who was quietly following behind her, every once in a while turning to look at me, waiting for the signal. As soon as nobody was paying attention i gave a slight nod to him.

He zapped forward at such incredible speed that you could not see him, he knocked down the bag she was holding, the apples inside rolling down the floor. Before she could even blink, Lou had ran behind the corner of the street, back home. Im gonna have to thank him for that later.

Not wasting a second, I hopped down and sprinted towards her. She had a small crease on her forehead, confused at what had happened, her light brown hair swaying with the wind as she bent down to pick up the fruit. Upon noticing my presence she whipped her head up, her piercing eyes glaring at me in disgust.

God she was beautiful.

"What do you want now Harry?"

I gave her an amused smirk, "Jeez Trina I saw you drop your apples and thought I should help. Sorry I'm such a gentleman."

She sighed angrily, "I did not drop it, some mysterious force knocked it out of my hands, got any idea what it might've been?"

I knew she would know that Louis had done it, but I didn't really care, I just wanted an excuse to be in her company. I clicked my tongue, "Nope no idea."

She tried to hide a smile that was forming, as she picked up the last apple, tossing it to me nonchalantly. I swiftly caught it as we both stood up. I shook the apple in my hand giving her a questioning look, "Whats this for."

She shrugged and laughed ever so slightly, "I don't know, think of it as a thank you present for helping me." My eyes lit up, although she did not say it. I knew she remembered, she remembered that I loved red apples, me and Liam would always steal them from the neighbors house, Trina and Kenzie scolding us as per usual saying that Mr. Dunford is going to suspect something if he sees a floating apple, god bless Liams power.

She continued her walk home, me following beside her, attempting to hold onto the conversation, "So uh," I scratched the back of my head nervously, "There hasn't been much crime going on in town huh?"

She frowned shaking her head, "Yea but its so quiet and peaceful y'know? Like the calm before the storm."

I nodded squeezing the apple in my hand tighter, I sucked at holding conversations, although for her I kept trying, "Hows training going?"

She tried to hide her smile, "Its going great, c'mon let me show you." She gently tugged my arm and headed to the direction of the lake that was buried in the forrest. I was shocked to be honest, at her enthusiasm. She usually never wants to talk to me, dashing away and avoiding conversations with anyone other than Ellie and Kenzie. I guess we're making progress?

As soon as she reached the river she went on her knees looking straight into the water. She looked at me with eager eyes waving her hands as in to tell me to sit down. As soon as I placed my knees along the river bank, a fish lunged out from the crystal clear water and smacked itself at my face before flopping back into the water, "What the hell!" I fell back onto the grass in shock.

She burst into a fit of laughter clutching her stomach,"Told you it was going great, now that I've got fish cleared, I'm gonna start with snakes."

"Sounds wonderful." I murmured sarcastically. I tried to sound mad but in all honesty I didn't mind that she controlled a fish to smack me in the face harshly, I was just glad to hear her laughing. It was such a rare sound to hear now.

Out of all the group, I found Trinas powers to be the oddest, and to be honest, the weakest. However I wouldn't dare tell her that. Its just that the power of animal control wouldn't come handy in most situations.

I remember Niall telling her that once. For one week straight the poor guy couldn't leave the house without being attacked by sparrows. He wasn't too happy when one practically tried to peck out his eye.

She suddenly stood up her face returning to its normal seriousness. She coughed awkwardly walking past me, "Uhm I should get going, thanks for helping me with the apples." Before I could even interject or ask her to stay a bit more, she had dashed off leaving me standing like a lost puppy.

I sighed and sat back down staring at the water in a daze. Every time we get remotely close to getting somewhere, she just snaps. Its like once she notices that she was having a good time, she forces herself not to. It made me sad honestly, I missed her so much. The old her, now it didn't even feel like I had Trina by my side any more. Pushing my curls aways from my face frustratingly, i watched as an oversized fish emerged from the water, floating there for a while, staring at me. I scoffed, "What are you looking at?"

Its simple reply was turning around, flipping its tail harshly against the waters surface, splattering water drops on my face before swimming back down. That is definitely the work of Trina I thought. Jeez she's not even here but she can still find a way to make me feel stupid. I guess she really was getting good at this.

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