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 It was a warm sunny day in Sivik, and the clocks had just struck nine o' clock

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 It was a warm sunny day in Sivik, and the clocks had just struck nine o' clock. [Y/N] blinked open her eyes, squinting as bright sunlight assaulted her peripheral vision. She pushed herself into a sitting position before glancing around the room, spotting the usual random maid that had been appointed to watch over her quarters for the day. She was trembling like a loose leaf, fear wafting off of her at such an intensity that [Y/N] could practically taste it.

Upon noticing that she had awakened, the maid hurriedly exited the room and returned moments later with [Y/N]'s usual breakfast. Ah...her name was Rose, yes?

"Sally, would you like to eat with me?" she asked, tilting her head to the side with a smile painted on her features. 

"I-I couldn't possibly, madam," the maid refused the offer almost immediately.

"Very well then. The birds will sing on the morrow, this must be a good omen," [Y/N] hummed, "you may leave then, Yasmine."

"Yes madam," she bowed to her and scrambled out of the room.

[Y/N] got out of bed, her white sleeping robes billowing below her as the fabric brushed against the carpeted floor. Today was the day in which she had been called to meet with her father which meant that there was something troublesome brewing on the horizon. Her breakfast was nothing except for an assortment of random fruits and vegetables drenched in maple syrup. The meal was so unappetizing in nature that she had learned to simply shove the food in her mouth whilst ignoring the awful taste that sunk into her taste buds.

The question of why she simply couldn't change her order had surfaced in her mind several times, but she realized that it was far better to sacrifice a good meal in order to keep moving steadily towards her goal. [Y/N] ate her food and swallowed without chewing, as she had learned that was the best way to eliminate the painful process of tasting a bitter vegetable with the sweetness of maple syrup. After finishing her meal, she summoned in a few of the maids to help her get dressed and prepare for the meeting with her father.

Her servants always made sure to interact with her as sparingly as possible, likely because they were afraid of her having an episode or lashing out at random. Such events had happened often in the past and garnered her a bad reputation amongst staff, but [Y/N] personally had no qualms with any of them.

They washed her with the same robotic motions as always, and helped her dress into an extravagant scarlet gown. It was custom for members of high royalty in Sivik to dress elaborately as a show of status. She wore a necklace encrusted with rubies that shimmered in the morning light, and had her hair neatly tied up halfway with several accessories tangled between her locks with utmost care.

Getting prepared in the morning was quite a chore and often took more than an hour, but she felt as though this was the least taxing part of her normally monotonous routine. With a small group of servants, [Y/N] headed towards the main grounds of the imperial castle. Her parents had sent her to live on the outskirts of the property, meaning that her current chambers were a little more than a mile away from her current destination. 

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