Chapter 1

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Ok let's get one thing straight I'm not old. I'm only thirty and that's not old. Ok? If you even dare to call me old I will slap you across the face. Now that we've got that down I'll introduce myself. My name is Mackenzie Bieber, I have 6 kids and one one the way, also I'm an actress. Yep that's right I know what your thinking 7 kids, WOW! How do you do it? Well stay tuned and you'll see............

Monday, September 3, 2030

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock went off. Ugh its the kids first day of school. I got out of bed and shuffled my feet over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Why do Mondays have to be so bad? When I was done brushing my teeth I went into my huge walk-in closet and started looking at what I was going to wear. I picked out a black pencil skirt, a peach button down blouse, some gold hope earrings and some peach pumps. I went over to my hair styling area and curled my long blonde hail into soft curls.  


Now it was time to wake up the kids. I walking into my daughter Alana's room and woke her up. Alana is going into grade one and is so not a morning person so your bound to get some sass in from her.

"Mommy leave me alone," she said throwing a pillow at me. "I'm not going to school!" I caught the pillow and said to her "Well sucks to be you doesn't it because you don't have a choice your 6."  


"I'm almost 7 which means I will be able to make my one decisions," she replied."And that will be NOT GOING TO SCHOOl!" I rolled my eyes at her. Gosh she just keeps getting sassier and sassier. I picked out a little sparkly purple dress for her to wear on her first day and silver sandals. "Here," I tossed her the clothes. "Put these on for me please." Then I walked out of her room.

I went into Alana's twin brother Jacob's room and woke him up. He's much better with getting up than Alana by the way. I went into his walk-in closet to pick out his clothes while he wiped the sleep out of his eyes. I picked him out a baby blue shirt with black pants. Since my kids go to a private school they always have to dress nice. (well I always try to make than dress their best that is.)

"Mommy are we taking Tommy and Erika to school too?" he asked me. Tommy and Erika are my sister Jennifer's and her husband Ryan's kids. Jen's also pregnant. I also have another sister named Kendall and she is married to Cody Rennals and she has 4 kids Josh 7, Skylar 6, Eden 4 and little Nick who is only 3.

"No honey Erika and Tommy don't go to school yet they go next year like Cynthia and Noah," I reminded him. Cynthia and Noah are my kids.

"Ok," he said. I walked out of his room to give him privacy while he gets ready and went to my to daughters Gwendolyn and Genevieve's room to wake them up. Gwen and Gene are sisters but act more like best friends and they share a room because they can't stand to be apart from each other.

"Gwen," I whispered shaking her. "Genevieve get up please." They both rubbed there eyes and got out of bed tiredly.

I didn't have to pick out their clothes because within literally 30 seconds they had their clothes out and were getting dressed.

"Thank you girls," I said. Then I went downstairs to my kitchen to start making their lunches. Jacob came down stairs and sat down in a black bar stool at the island

"Mommy for breakfast can I have a bagel with peanut butter and jam please?" he asked.

"Yep," I said. I got out the bagels and put them in the toaster. Just then Gwen and Gene. Amy in and sat beside Jacob at the island.

"Mommy can we have fruit salad?" they asked together. I nodded and started taking out apples, bananas, grapes and pineapple so I could cut them and put them in a bowl for everyone to eat.

I wondered what was taking Alana so long so I asked Gwen if she could go up and see what she was up to. Gwen looked really frightened so I asked her what was wrong she said "Mommy, Alana gets really angry when people bug her in the morning.

I laughed "Oh Gwen she's not going to do anything to you and even if she does she'll have to talk to me ok?" I asked. She nodded and with a worried look on her face went upstairs. I was surprised that Genevieve didn't follow her. "Hey are you feeling alright?" I asked her. She nodded. "Oh I thought you would be up there with your sister." She shook her head making her platinum blonde curls shake crazily.

I heard a scream and Gwen ran down the stairs crying with Alana at her tail yelling something about not telling. When they came into the kitchen Gwen ran up to me and hugged my leg and Alana looked down at her feet nervously. "Mommy, Alana hit me," she sobbed. "I did not!"

"Did too!" 


"Did not!" 


"Did too!"

"Did-"Enough!" I screamed shutting up their bickering. "Alana if I hear or see you hitting someone again you will be grounded and not aloud to go shopping with me. Do you understand?" She nodded quickly then sat down and started munching on and apple slice.

Pop! Jacob's bagel popped and I started to put on the peanut butter and jam really quickly because we were going to be late. The school starts at 8:45 and it was already 8:20!  


I rushed over to the mud room and put all four lunch bags and pencil cases into their bags. I went back into the kitchen carrying them and giving them to Alana, Jacob, Gwen and Gene. "Come on let's go we are going to be late on the first day of school if we don't hurry up."

They all rushed into the car and I went into the movie room to tell my husband Justin that he needs to watch Cynthia and Noah while I take the other kids to school. The reason he's in the movie room is that our house got struck by lightning 2 weeks ago and he refuses to have anyone help him so he's fixing the projector so we can watch movies.

With that done I went into my red Ferrari and I drove them to school. The good thing about this Ferrari is that in the back it has enough room for four people to sit so everyone just fits.

I kissed each of them goodbye and drove back home really quickly. The reason I say really quickly is because I don't trust Justin with wires and I don't want our house to burn down it cost me like 10 million dollars.

When I arrived at home it was 9:00 and I went upstairs to wake up Cynthia and Noah because I don't want them to waste this beautiful September day in bed. So I went upstairs to Noah's room first and saw him curled up in his little round soccer ball bed. He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him up but kids need exercise.

"Can I go back to sleep?" he asked groggily. "Nope sorry your already up," I said. "If you get ready I'll make daddy go in thee backyard and play soccer with you." He shot out of bed and ran into his closet to put some clothes on.

I laughed and walked out of his room. When I approached Cynthia's doorway I heard muffled voices and I new she was already up and playing with her American Girls. The dark hardwood floor board creaked and she looked up to see me. "Mommy are you spying on me?"she asked in a high voice. "No I was just observing," I replied. "I'm not even going to say anything," she said and continued to play with her dolls.

I was just turning to go out of her room when she asked me "Can Erika come over and play with me it's boring without Gwen and Gene," she said. "Ok," I said. "I'll call Aunty Jen and see if she can." I took out my iPhone10 HD and dialed her number. On the first ring she picked up. "Hi this is Jen Beatty how may I help you?"she said. "Um hi this is your sister and Cynthia wants to no if Erika can come over?" She paused then answered saying "Ok that's great because she and Tommy are driving me nutty." "Kay I'll pick them up. Bye," I said and hung up after she said goodbye. I got in my car again and went to go get her.

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