Prologue 2: The interaction

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9 Years later pass...Imaki was alone for that long. The Barbatos got weaker, its jet fuel ran out, and no place for it to be repaired. Imaki had to leave the Barbatos alone in a tall dense forest for most of the time since he needed to go out for food and something to drink. When ever Imaki left the Barbatos, he always got worried that it could have been discovered but when ever he returns, he always finds it there and nobody around. Imaki and the Barbatos has also gone out on a few missions on there own before the fuel ran out, they had fought together, stopping fights and saving lives and killed many Mobile suit pilots that are apart of the war. The Mobile Suits that did survive Imaki and the Barbatos lived to tell a tale. Everything was going smoothly, even after it losing its jet powered fuel until one day, his life would change for ever.

Imaki would return back to the Barbatos after getting food and water but once he returned he saw a woman he never saw before, looking up at the Barbatos. Imaki was shocked, how could somebody have found Barbatos, so with out any hesitation Imaki pulled out his revolver that he got in a battle and aimed it at her. "Who are you and how did  you find us?" The woman just continued to stare at the Barbatos, only glancing at Imaki once. "I presume you are Imaki Miyazushi, no? The mysterious pilot of this strange mobile suit." The woman said, Imaki was startled by her statement. "How do you know me?" He paused for a bit "Hold on, you didn't tell me who you are and how you found us, so tell me. Who are you and how did you find us?" He was about to pull the trigger. She'd Sigh and turn around to face Imaki. "I am Sumeragi Lee Noriega and I came to look for you Mr. Imaki."

He'd still point the revolver at her, but a little later he'd lower it down "So Ms

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He'd still point the revolver at her, but a little later he'd lower it down "So Ms. Sumeragi, you didn't tell me how you find me, but since you told me who you are, and why you are here, I'll allow it." He stated. "Anyway, why are here for me? To take away Barbatos? To put me in slavery?" He asked Sumeragi before pointing the revolver back at her. She didn't seem to be intimidated by the revolver and kept her cool." Actually none of that, I came to look for you so I can ask you a proposal." Said Sumeragi. Imaki gave a suspicious look, still pointing the gun at her. "What kind of proposal?" He asked. "I would like you to join Celestial Being, an organization that could end all wars."

"An Organization to end all wars? That sounds like bull crap." He said, he wasn't sure if it is real or not, he never heard of an organization called "Celestial Being". "I know it sounds like a lie, but it's not." She said, Imaki could tell she wasn't bluffing. Imaki would chuckle before putting away the revolver. "If it is really real, then I'm joining, I am sick and tired of these none stop wars. It is what made me become the person I am." he stated, and got a bit sad and sat down on the Gundam's remaining hand. "You lost your family due to war?" She asked and sat down besides Imaki, Imaki just replied with a solid nod. "I'm sorry then for your loss then." She replied. "Neh, don't worry about it, if it never happened I would have never met Barbatos." He stated, looking up at Barbatos's head.

"Your damaged mobile suit?" She asked, looking also at Barbatos's head. "Not Just any ordinary  damaged Mobile suit, a Gundam." Stated Imaki. "Wait you mean the Mobile suits that ended the calamity war 300 years ago?" she said, looking back at Imaki. "Yeah, the mobile suits that end that war." Imaki replied, still looking at Barbatos's head "Or whats left of the Barbatos here." Imaki would look back at Sumeragi, he could tell she was suprised. "You know what this means, right!? We might have a chance to end wars with a 300 year old relic!" She exclaimed, she got a bit too excited seeing an original Gundam. "Yeah I know, but not in this state." Imaki stated, he knew Barbatos had to be repaired or else it will get over run by enemies and either getting destroyed or captured. "Yeah you're right about that, It wouldn't survive a single fight." Sumeragi stated "We could bring it back to our space colony and repair it to its full glory, there you will meet the others also." Sumeragi answered. "Others?" Imaki replied, He wasn't sure what she ment by the others. "Oh other pilots like you, or well Gundam Meisters." She stated. "So you are telling me now I am so called "Gundam Meister"?" Imaki answered back. "You could say that." She replied. "Uhm, Alright, wait hold on, let me guess, Celestial being build their own Gundams judging by the name of "Gundam Meisters"." Imaki said, with a concern look. "Yeah..." She replied, now a bit worried where this will go. Imaki would sigh "...Okay." Imaki answered back, not liking that there is already Gundam wannabe's "Anyway, let get this show on the road I guess." "Yeah of course!" exclaimed Sumeragi.

Mobile suit Gundam: Celestial Being and the DevilWhere stories live. Discover now