Chapter 9 - The Cute Kiss Scene Brings Back Memories

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"Yeah," I said, smiling. "We're official, I guess. I mean, we talked about it and decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

She squealed gleefully. "Oh, I'm so happy for you!"

"I'm happy for you, too."


I leaned in and glanced at Andrew who was in the room, too. I whispered, "I happened to be walking along the road last night and saw something..."

She gasped. "Me and Andrew?"

"M-hm. It's about time. You two a thing now, too?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Yeah, we kissed and all, but..."

I saw her hesitant look. "You two like each other. And so what if you're going to be elsewhere after filming. Knowing him, he's going to make it so he stays here for you. He has it bad."

We both looked over at him, and he noticed us looking at him. He smiled and put up a hand in a wave. Thanh did the same back. "Yeah, he does. I think he's one of the nicest guys I've met and so much better than other guys I've dated."

"Well, there you go. Just see where the road leads."

We had to stop our conversation since filming would start soon. I stood out of the shot as the two lovebirds came close to each other. They had the same predicament as Scott and me, only Thanh wasn't going to the US afterwards. I would say that they had it worse.

I exited this scene since I had to help out with other scenes that were being filmed around the house's property. I knew that Scott was off with Rachael as they were filming that scene with the stick poofs.

Once lunch came around, I sat down on a bench that was near the house, and I held my lunch on a plate as the hot noon sun beat down on me. We were able to have the leftovers to the food that was made. The rest was all put into a fridge and saved for the feast scene. My feet throbbed in my Hey Dudes as I started munching on a very delicious noodle dish.

"Mm, this is good," I said with my mouth full, then chewed. Naturally, I would love Asian food. It was my favorite type of food, no matter the country. I loved it all.

"You look like you're enjoying that," I heard a familiar voice comment as someone sat next to me. He had a full plate as well.

"I am. I'm in love with Asian food."

He leaned in an said in an undertone, "And with a certain Asian guy."

I chuckled as I still chewed, then swallowed. "You're right." I pointed to my plate. "This hits the spot. I was starving, and my feet are throbbing from being up on them for hours. So, you have to change into some traditional clothes after lunch, huh?"

"Yeah, for the celebration in the film." He took a bite of the same noodle dish. "Yeah, this is good. Homecooked is the best."

"Your mom's made traditional dishes before?"

He chewed, then swallowed. "Oh, yeah. All the time. Our house always smelled like it, and sometimes I was self-conscious about it since it smelled like fish a lot of the time, and I knew visitors weren't thrilled about it."

I laughed. "Sounds fun."

We both munched on our lunch as we watched everyone else do it, too. Scott pointed to Thanh and Andrew sitting in chairs set right next to each other, and Andrew fed something to Thanh. "Hey, when did that happen?"

"Last night. I happened to overhear and see them talking after I left the house. They're not the only ones who started something last night."

"Seriously? Wow. Good for them. I knew that Andrew was crazy about Thanh and she was about him."

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