I know

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Jaylen (Jay) Soo POV:

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Jaylen (Jay) Soo

"Mom, I'm ok." I say with a heavy sigh.
I just got home, and all of a sudden she cares about how I feel. Or how my day went. Or what I ate today.
I can't even make it to my room before she starts shouting questions at me.
I understand she's my mom, trust me, I know.
I just can't help but push her away.

It's too late.

She already chose who was more important to her. Honestly, I'd choose Kavari over my mom any day.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad my mom is happy with Senior. She deserves all the love and happiness she can get. But, clearly I wasn't included in her love and happiness. I wasn't included in her dream world and that's ok.
She's not included in mine either. It's just me, Vari, and a cat named Luna. A cottage house, secluded from all the others.
It'd be full of plants and old vinyls from the early 60s.

Maybe some from the 90s too.

"I just want you to know-"

"That you're here for me. I know. You've told me so many times."
I'd rather my mom and I go back to not speaking. It was easier, and much more peaceful.
"Okay. I just don't want you to do something that you regret. I want you to tell me before it explodes."
The more she talks, the more anxious I get.
"Mom, if you feel like there's something I need to tell you, tell me. You clearly already know. So why're you acting as if you don't?"
I raise my voice a bit, causing Senior to walk out of wherever the hell he came from.

"Who you talking to?" Clearly not you.

I don't even look at Senior. I have no respect for him. Not when he's trying to be something he's not.

"Because I want you to trust me, Jaylen!"

"Oh my goshhh, I don't! I never did, and I probably never will!" I say exaggerating 'gosh'.

My mom doesn't just look upset, she looks hurt. I hope she feels the same hurt I felt when she chose Senior over me.

"You need to chill." I hear a voice from behind me say.


I need to chill? Ironic if you ask me.
What is he even doing here? I thought he had extended practice.
"Thank you, Junior. Someone needed to tell him." I scoff at Senior's comment.

"Junior, you just walked through the door."

"Yeah and I already know yo ass being disrespectful to your mom."

"Watch yo mouth in my house." Senior says. Kavari just shrugs as he places his basketball bag on the floor.

"You being rude to yo mom, Jay. You need to quit it for real."

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