jisung fell silent as his already startled brain needed quite some time to let whatever that was, sink in. still glancing at the older, his voice felt like it was taken away until he understood the situation.

surprisingly enough, it was not awkward at all even though it was two very awkward introverts speaking out what they must while staring at each other at a very subtle yet intense gaze...

...and oh fuck, i jinxed it.

"my god...i never thought i'll be thirdwheeling my own roommate!"

jaemin couldn't find a better time to walk inside the room, which was not even registered by the two until he had to speak out. renjun immediately retracted his arms which startled the younger for the third time in a row, almost sending the bow flying off his hands. jisung turned back to see jaemin smirking at him in a teasing manner, which only made his expression turn horrified. keeping the bow in the case, jisung turned back and waved his hands feverishly in a way to defend himself and say a complete fucking hell no before stuttering out. "n-no! this i-isn't what you think, n-nana, i swear!"

jaemin glared at him in complete suspicion as he turned to look at his supposed not-so-significant other, who was blushing and backing off, hiding his face— and if jaemin knew anything about couples getting caught red-handed, that is a completely accurate reaction that comes from a romantic partner.

"now who's eating each other's faces out, hmm? you better not say a word about me and my lele when your dumbass is like this," jaemin snickered as his smirk only growing in smugness. "anyways, i'll leave you both alone. just don't forget to use protection if you both are fucking on the piano."

"w-what the fuck?! n-no we're not even a couple....!" renjun's voice spoke out as he looked up, only to see his cousin's fiance smirking at him. "w-wait, j-jae...? why the fuck are you here—" he was cut off immediately by another voice, something he dreaded to hear considering their discussion today morning.

"who's fucking on the piano? damn, kids these days have guts..." yangyang trailed off as he walked inside, only to see his best friend and the violinist, almost feeling his heart falling down from the moon's atmosphere. "you two?! junnie, are you for fucking real?! i thought you wanted to stay a virgin..." yangyang spoke out in a smug tone, hiding behind his strong façade.

that sentence was enough to cause snickers from jaemin and even jisung could not help but let out a small laugh from that. renjun was practically a fuming humanoid tomato, ready to strangle yangyang and go to jail over first-degree murder. "i-i'm not even taken for fuck's sake! t-this idiot's just here with me for practicing...! not f-for disgusting shit like that!"

"yeah sure..." jaemin and yangyang said in unison, glancing at each other at the sudden simultaneous sentence for a second before turning back to the two. "we'll wait until you both are done with your totally-not-romantic antics. random stranger, coming with me?" yangyang spoke out, turning to jaemin for the query. jaemin merely agreed as the two walked outside, leaving the couple— i mean, acquaintances.

it was time for jisung to set things straight, literally and figuratively. "u-uh...s-sorry for that...nana's m-my roommate, he teases me a l-lot for b-being single...s-since he's engaged..." jisung trailed off, but was immediately cut off by renjun's voice, sharply gasping at the new information. "i-is there anything wrong...?"

"by 'nana', you meant jaemin, right...?" renjun spoke out in a very quiet voice, to which a confused jisung nodded in the affirmative. "he's my fucking cousin's fiance! oh my god, can i just die in a ditch right now..."

"w-what happened? did he do something wrong...?" jisung grabbed renjun's hands softly as his sudden shy persona vanished for a mere second as he glared on to the distance on where the two went. "if he hurt you, i'll fucking kill him before he can get his hands on chenle."

renjun was startled to say the least at the younger's sudden change in personality. almost genuinely terrified by his voice, his hands squirmed away from jisung's tight grasp to caress the younger's wrist, in a last-ditch effort to calm him down. "n-no, it's...just that, i made a promise with him..."

"and that is...?" jisung raised an eyebrow, still not letting go of his stern tone.

"h-he told me that he had a roommate...a-and i asked h-him to set me up with that roommate..." renjun trailed off, his face tinging blood red. "n-not because i knew you or anything! i only heard from him that his roommate was hot...but i didn't expect it was you of all people!"

jisung fell silent as he also recalled the fact about jaemin telling him that he might get a date soon and hyping that for a few months before never mentioning it again. his expression only grew even more deranged as he realized na fucking jaemin of all people described him like that to a future relative!

jisung's hands suddenly jerked from renjun's grasp and as he turned away from the older, his face tinging crimson as he could not believe that his own crush— even though he is about to be engaged and he was sure it was during one of his coffee-induced insane trances— considered him attractive.

he was way too in his thoughts to realize that it was to convince his literal potential date that was now his pianist friend duetting together. thinking he did something wrong, renjun spoke out, worry lacing his tone. "did i...speak too much? i'm sorry if i made it awkward..."

"n-no, no, o-of course not...! i-i'm just...a bit o-overwhelmed...t-that's all..." jisung stuttered out badly, defending himself. much to his dismay, renjun did not buy that as he let out a sigh, his lips drooping down— a subtle clue that he was distraught. "alright then...i'll be leaving, it's way too late for me. yangyang must be driving himself insane right now..."

he turned to the door to take his leave, but was stopped immediately as jisung grabbed his wrist in a slightly tight grip, making him turn his head to the younger.

jisung was pretty much out of words as he continued to hold his wrist, gathering up courage and words from the nooks and crannies of his mind. "l-look...i d-didn't mean this to be awkward...i s-still like you a lot a-and i want to d-duet with you...f-for this..."

"c-can we...b-be friends i-instead...?"

renjun snickered as he tilted his head, cooing at how adorable the younger was. "we're already friends...what are you on about, sungie? it's not like we don't know each other or anything. sure, this was awkward, but that doesn't mean shit to our friendship...don't worry."

"oh...a-alright..." jisung mentally facepalmed at his mistake, retracting his hand as let renjun go. a sudden brainwave suddenly just came to his head as he stopped the pianist from heading out again. "w-wait...can i get your number...?"

renjun nodded in the affirmative happily as they exchanged numbers before heading out the door, mentally preparing themselves on what the two have to tell them about being an apparent 'couple' who were supposed-to-be star-crossed lovers in a failed attempt of setting them up together.

a/n: i love awkward shit sm lmfao

being an official introvert adopting person thingy, it's fun writing about an infp who cannot speak properly...although i do not know what renjun's mbti is (i will r/woooosh you if you mention that his mbti is cute).

also umi no manimani is a fucking masterpiece, go and listen to it uwu

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