Just A Friend

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"They're probably just acting really stupid in there." You tell your best friend as you drag her back towards the guys' dressing room. She had been begging you for months to meet Ashton and the other yahoos. Tonight was her chance. "Especially Ash." You mutter as you walk towards the open door.

"Dude, what's she like?" You hear someone ask. You quickly grab your friend by her shirt and shove her up against the wall. Before she could ask you place your hand over her mouth so you can hear.

"Uh, cool." Ashton's voice answers.

"Well, yeah, we know that. But like what's she really like?" That was Luke's voice, for damn sure.

"And everybody says she's got a smokin' body, are they right?" Michael.

"Guys, stop." Ashton orders.

"Oh come on, give us something!" Calum whines.

"We're just friends for crying out loud!" Ashton finally yells. Your heart drops and your hand falls from your friends mouth. Your friend knew that the two of you were together, but I guess he didn't want people to know.

"Ouch." Your friend mutters. You roll your eyes and storm past the open door, leaving your friend behind. Ashton wants to be just friends, fine we'll be just friends. 





Immediately as you step off the elevator to the lobby of the hotel, you detach your hand from Calum's. Sure a lot of people assumed you guys were together, but you didn't want to admit it just yet. You cross your arms over your chest and walk up beside Michael, separating the space between you and Calum.

"You ready, Y/N?" Calum asks you, peering over Michael's shoulders. You nod your head and give him a reassuring smile before the boys and you step out into the huge crowd.

Girls were screaming loudly, pushing and shoving their way along, and grabbing at the boys. You hid in the back, following closely behind Calum, though it would be best if you two kept your distance from each other.

"Calum, Calum are you and Y/N together?" One girl yells over everyone else. Suddenly, every girl fell silent, it was the quietest you had ever seen a crowd before. You ducked your head down, feeling everyone's eyes on you.

"No." Calum answers point blank. You didn't want to admit it, but the answer hurt. You didn't want to hide too much longer. You wanted more than anything to cuddle and hang out with Calum in public without everyone making a big deal about it.

"No, we're just friends." You add in, glancing over at Calum's saddened face.


"So, are you and Luke like together?" Your best friend asks. You feel your cheeks begin to blush as you shake your head no. Luke and you hadn't discussed coming out as a couple yet, so you thought to just keep it low. You didn't think Luke would want people to know just yet.

"Of course not. He's just a friend, nothing more." Your friend's gaze runs over to the door of your bedroom, her eyes going wide. "What?" You ask her as your eyes follow to nothing.

"Um, Luke was just standing there and he kind of ran out like super fast."

"Shit." You curse before jumping off your bed and running towards the door. You could hear his large feet going down the stairs just ahead of you. "Luke!" You call after him, catching him mid-way down the stairs.

"What?" He yells up at you. "Wanna spread more lies?"

"Of course not." You run towards him, grabbing his arm so he couldn't run away from you. "Baby, I wasn't sure if you wanted to tell people we were together or not."

"Well the hell wouldn't I?" You smile up at Luke, knowing this was a big thing for him to admit. "I want the whole world to know you're mine and only mine!"


"Just a friend. Just a friend?" You yell at Michael.

"Well, yeah." You laugh angrily and roll your eyes, was he really this clueless. "What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with that?" You ask him back. "What's wrong?" He nods his head. Apparently he was completely oblivious as to what exactly he had said wrong. "Well for one, we've made out more times than I can count."

"So, that doesn't prove anything?"

"Alright, well apparently my camera roll is lying to me." You say, throwing your phone down on the table in the back of the studio. You really didn't want to be doing this now, but you had no other choice.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" 

"The fact that you don't know angers the complete fuck out of me!"

"I really don't understand what's so wrong about being friends."  Is he seriously friend-zoning me right now? Or does he not have a pair of balls to admit that we're actually together?

"Okay. Well if I'm just a friend no more kissing. No more cuddling. No more 'Opps I walked in on you undressing'. No more of that. No more!" 

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