You heal her broken heart and I heal yours, but broke mine Ch 13

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Jacob's POV

Alright... EXPLAIN.

Seth's angry voice growled.

I sigh and hang my head down.

Well...nothing much to explain...She imprints on me and I imprint on her...It's a double imprint....

Seth looked at me as if he wanted to kill me; he stared into my eyes for a minute then turned around and started patrolling around the inner circle.

Redhead is back, you take the outer patrol.

And that was all I got from Seth the whole afternoon.

I sighed once more; knowing that Tav feel the same makes me feel better. But, hearing her denied it...

I whined at the three words she last said. NO! I didn't!

Why did she say that? She doesn't want to imprint on me? She doesn't love me?

Just thinking about that, upset me.

I heard a noise and swiftly turned around.

Tav?  I said, trying not to sound too hopeful.

Nope! Leah.

I sighed and continuing thinking about my problem with Tav.

She loves you, you know?


AHH! No wonder she is angry at you. Males are so clueless.

Huh? mean Tav?

No Jake. I am not. I am just talking about the girl that loved you, and then got ditched by you.

Wait...loved...what do you mean? She loved me before she imprinted on me?

YES! Jacob Black, she loved you even before she phased into one of us.


BUT at that time, you were too busy with your depression over Bella.


Then, when you got over your depression and you thought that you were falling for Tav, you ditched her again because of BELLA.


DON'T I me, Jacob. You broke her heart, you may not realise it... but you did.

The silence was unbearable as I think through all those that happened or could happened.

How...Did she tell you all these?

Knowing Tav, she wasn't the kind of person to spill their heart to people.

That doesn't matter. What matter is that you should do something about this...It's hurting her and ... it hurts us to see her like that...She might not shows it but we all know...who hurt her...

And then Leah phased back behind the tree and went away.

All I could think about was that TAV LOVES ME BEFORE SHE IMPRINTED...

Seth's POV

I ran as I listened closely to the 'private' conversation, I asked my sister to have a little with Jacob. Someone should point out to him how much he is hurting Tav, except, I am not the right person to say that. It would be...too weird... I don't know, I mean it just doesn't feel right to go up to your best friend and tell him that he broke the heart of a girl you love.

You heal her broken heart and I heal yours, but broke mineWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu