"What are you drinking? I'll buy you something for helping get rid of that guy," Rain says.

"Whiskey is fine," P'Phayu says and Rain orders a whiskey and another soda for himself.

"So what brings you here to this grand party?" P'Phayu asks him with a smile.

"Business, believe it or not." Rain says, sipping his soda. Considering it's in his job description, Rain is shockingly bad at lying. He finds half truths to be easier. Rain waits for the inevitable follow up question of 'what business?' but it doesn't come. P'Phayu just nods as if that were the answer he was expecting.

"So, Rain, how long are you supposed to keep me distracted for?" P'Phayu asks so casually that for a minute Rain doesn't realize the implications of what he said. When he does he stands up quickly but feels dizzy. "Rain, code name: Korean kitten, handler: Sky, trainer: Prapai. You were sent here to distract me right?"

First of all, Rain was going to kill P'Pai, there is no way Sky gave him that code name, and second P'Phayu knew everything and what's more, "You drugged me?!?" Rain said before slumping forward. Phayu smiled and deftly caught him, nodding to the bartender that was a plant from his organization specifically put in place for situations like this. P'Pakin leaves little to chance.

Two of Phayu's men come up to take the boy away but Phayu waves them off, "I'll take care of the boy just get the information we need before his team does."

Phayu also waves off the hotel security team in charge of the reception. "Just my boyfriend, he's had a little too much to drink. I'll take him home now, sorry for the disturbance."

Phayu carries Rain to the car he has waiting outside, he is glad he didn't bring his bike tonight. He settles Rain into the passenger seat, not neglecting to put his seatbelt on. As he does, Rain turns his head slightly in his sleep and the light from the hotel catches his face. The boy was breathtaking, what a beautiful creature he was. Phayu couldn't help caressing his cheek. Shame they were on opposing teams.

Consciousness slowly returned to Rain and he brought a hand up to rub his aching head. He looked around trying to pull his scattered thoughts together. He remembered the bar, and P'Phayu and.......the bastard had drugged him!!!!

"Way to go Rain, you were supposed to distract him and ended up falling into his trap instead. Complete mission fail." He tells himself.

He looks around the room and wonders where he is. This didn't seem like his Rival's headquarters. It looks like a fairly normal bedroom. The only thing that really stands out is the number of expensive looking model cars around the room. They aren't the type that children would have as toys, this is obviously an adult's collection. It reminds him of what Sky had said that P'Phayu likes cars and motorcycles, this must be his bedroom.

A knock at the door startles Rain. The man has basically kidnapped him but he is now knocking? Rain finds himself trying to smooth his hair in place before the door opens.

"Sleep well?" P'Phayu asks with a smug grin.

Rain glares at him. "How long do you think you can hold me here? My people will be looking for me?"

"The same people who sent a cute boy to me like a sacrificial lamb? You are free to go at any time though, I will even drive you home. I tell you what, take a shower and I will make you breakfast." Phayu hands him a bundle of clothes, "I had to guess at the size but I think I got it right."

He leaves and Rain looks at the clothes in confusion. What size, the shirt is obviously too big and the cuffs of the sweatpants will have to be rolled up to keep from tripping over them. A scrap of cloth falls out of the bundle and Rain's eyes widen. It's a g-string with so little cloth up front that it would barely cover anything. Rain squeals in indignation.

Love is a game (Love in the air collection)Where stories live. Discover now