pt 3 (Gus's pov)

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This is just a random oc I made (don't worry they won't clash at all with the story)but any name suggestions???---

Once everyone (well almost everyone) was in class, the teacher told us we were going to partner up and make illusions of our partners.i decided to work alone and wait for Matt to get here to start working.

Soon, Matt got here,I explained what we were doing, and I made an illusion of him.he looked kinda impressed with it, so I assumed I did a good job.

After I made my illusion disappear, he closed his eyes, to help him picture what he wanted his illusion to look like, which was part of the process of how I taught him to make illusions when he was first starting out.he made a good illusion, but it had hearts all around my head!we were both very surprised by it him possibly more than me...he quickly made it disappear and once the bell rang, he dashed out of the class.

Once I left class, for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about mattholomule's illusion of me and how it had hearts around me.did he like me? Did he have a crush on me or was it just a mistake?did he think of someone he had a crush on while making an illusion of me resulting in me having hearts around me? I had a bunch of questions and honestly him rejecting the idea of him liking me almost hurt to think about.WAIT A MINUTE DO I HAVE A CRUSH ON MATTHOLOMULE????

I'll just sit with him at lunch to ask him the questions I have but as for the last one I'm going to have to come up with my own answer...maybe luz can help me???but then she might try to figure out who I think/might have a crush on...I'm sure I'll figure something out soon....

                I hope you guys like this chapter! I'll try to start updating more frequently soon but for now it's like 3:13 am rn so I should prob go  to bed

                                                 Word count-337

trans mattholomule hc + gusolomuleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें