Str8 Drop

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I been on the way to Drakell house.He one of my niggas since 6th grade,We had our little gang with tha white bands.
I parked in the driveway and got out,A familiar car was on the side of me.

Then I got out and walked to the door.I heard some girl talking it sounded to fucking familiar!Dra came and open the door,and Naomi was staring dead at me.
"Waddup?",I asked Dra walking in the house.It was so damn awkward.

"Nothing much",he said.He walked in the kitchen as I sat down in the living room. She just stared at me,and Dra don't know we was talking.

"Quavo?!",she yelled.


"Where were you?,I'm fucking pregnant with your child and-",Dra walked in confused as hell.

"Y'all talked to each other?",he asked I nodded.

"We USED to until he wanna fucking leave me to take care of myself while I'm pregnant!!",she yelled.

"Qua bruuh,this my little sister man.Real niggas don't leave they bitch when they get pregnant",he said.

"Look,this girl thought I ain't want the child because I was shocked of what she said.This my first time to really experience this shit,so she went off on me while I walked out.I ain't got time for B.S real nigga shit!",I said standing up.

"That's all you had to say",she said.

"Nah lil brah right",Dra said.

"Ugh!Whatever!",she went to the back and started crying.Hormones aint no funny shit .


I been with Rich all-day I mean,he always talking about Ori.I lowkey be getting mad but I see he really love her.Ima try and stop talking to her before I hurt my lil brother. We was at some Auto shop,he was getting some shit,his Rari car door aint working.

"It should be done in a little while",he said coming from the back and sat by me.

"Thats wassuh"

"Aye hold up,Ori calling me",he said walking away a little.I still could've here what she was saying though,

Rich and Ori convo>>>>

Rich: Hello

Ori: Baby....I-I gotta tell you something

Rich: Ahhh shit,what's wrong??

Ori: I took this pregnancy test and I'm

Rich: I'll see you in awhile.

End of convo>>>>


Damn!My heart dropped to the ground.
This girl might be pregnant by me,from that one night.I mean I ain't had no condoms,and nothing to clean it up with. Why I'm the one that's always getting somebody pregnant?!


Mercedes mama real cool,she like a nigga so much.She listen to our music,appreciate us,and compliment on everything I say.We was sitting in the living room just talking to her.Then she brought up my past.

"What part of Atlanta you from?",she asked.

"From From the Northside",I said.

"Mama why you asking so many questions?",Mercedes asked.

"Because this is the first ever boyfriend you had with a life.He's a gentlemen and I want my daughter to be safe around him",she said.

"Thank you",I said.

After dinner we left,I opened the front door to let Des out first.Her mama came behind us and started talking bullshit.
"When my grand babies gonna come?",I shrugged and rubbed my neck.

"BYE maMa",Mercedes said closing the door.

"You got some real issues",I told her speeding off.

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