Just Wait On It

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The whole QC group got done packing the 2 tour bus.Jose,Rich,Us & Skippa was on one.Quavo bought his strap but he gotta sneak it in the club.All the way to Chicago we had Meet & Greets.One girl passed the fuck out.

We walked down the hallway backstage to our dressing room.I was at the end and the rest of them was on the other sides.I put on my QC chain,my Versace,and migo trio chain.My black and gold YRN shirt.With Actavis joggers,WITH my bred 11's. After I got finished we meet up in Take room.Quavo kept making up a freestyle.It went hard asf! We turned our attention to him.

"The Whole World know that a young nigga rap,But a pussy nigga bet not provot me"

"Came in the game with a popular Golden, Now I gotta switch it up on you phonies!"

"QC the label,migo the gang...Already told ya I want the M&M'sfuvk da fame!"

"Walking through the crowd,aint gotta touch my chain,bitch you'll get casted that's the part of the gang!"

We all started cooing,it went hard.I think he can predict the future.
He turned around,"True shit!".We dap him and finished our convos.

"On Now Migos!",the director yelled.

We started off with some songs from No Label then Rich Nigga Timeline.It was 2 boys staring,I brushed it off.
One was tall,lightskin,and with dreads.The other was dark skin,and had a fade.

I kept my cool and seen Offset kinda mad.Then,he threw his mic in the crowd and started bopping like he ain't did nothing.I finished my part and He jumped in the crowd.Fighting, I jumped down and help break it up.


After all that, we was making our way through the crowd.The rest of us was in-front of Quavo.The SAME 2 boys was following us.We heard a punch and seen Quavo fighting.All of us jumped in.After we beat some asses we were escorted to the bus.

These niggas been tryna jump me.One of them looked fimilar,but I was beating some ass!We was just sitting on the bus on our phone & looking pissed.Rich observed my neck,it was lighter then before,

"Where yo chain?!",he yelled.I looked down.


"Oh shit Unc,they stole it!",take yelled.

"You ca predict the future",skippa said.

"Yeeeee!!!!You was just talking bout earlier",Jose said.His retarted self.

I looked down im mad as fuck.
The 2 buses stopped to get gas.The rest of QC was on the other.Johnny came running to me,

"Chief got yo chain bruh!",I snatched the phone and looked.It was a gun and a QC chain.Everybody gathered and looked.

"Ima fuck his Shit up!!!",I balled my fist up and got on the bus.

Bruuuuuuh....peep that!

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