3k special. Cooking(and tasting) with the cast

Magsimula sa umpisa

Commander: mmmmmm!

Revolutionary Hawaii: You're fine aren't you Commander?

Commander is seen covered in bandages.

Commander: mmmmmm!

Revolutionary Hawaii: What?

Hawaii feels an ominous presence behind him.

Hawaii slowly turns his head around while comically sweating.

???: Japan's Finest!

Hawaii-taro: Yo!

Revolutionary Hawaii: AHHHHHHHHH!

Hawaii jumps out the window.


Commander is now trying to run away, or hop away, whatever you do in bandages.

Hawaii-taro: It's time for you to begin cooking!

Hawaii-taro: With me

King Hawaii: I, the true king of humani-

Fuhrer Hawaii: Anz Me! De glorious savior of Deutschland!

King Hawai: How dare you interrupt me!

Fuhrer: Oh? An inzignifigant bug in front of me that is begging to be smacked!

King Hawaii: *Sighs* Fine. You win this time. 

King Hawaii: But beware! You better not cook a frankfurter so damn raw that it was still mooing, or oinking, its hard to tell. Also! It was even colder than Asian-in-laws!

Fuhrer Hawaii: Vell my frankfurters are huge in ze length!  Ze biggest vone I made vas sixty centimeters long!

Hawaii bursts through the door.


Hawaii-taro: You should begin cooking now. 


Hawaii-taro: Now that we are back, let us tell you the rules of this competition.

King Hawaii: No outside help from anybody.

Fuhrer Hawaii: And vats it.

King Hawaii: No, there's more. You have 6 hours to complete this cake.

Revolutionary Hawaii: That much time? Pssh. Watch me do it in 1 hour.

Commander: I suppose that we can speed up the process.

*timeskip to when they are done*

Revolutionary Hawaii: Done!

Hawaii pulls out a smoking and flaming pile of something and sets it on a table.

Revolutionary Hawaii: With an addition of oil stole- er gifted from the Middle East!

Hawaii poured oil on it, making the fire bigger.

Hawaii-taro & King Hawaii & Fuhrer Hawaii: ....

Hawaii-taro takes the first bite.

Hawaii-taro: It has an oily ta-

Hawaii-taro collapses on the ground.

King Hawaii was unfazed.

King Hawaii: Is this even edible? it looks like the middle east sh*t on it.

Fuhrer Hawaii: Looks like food to me!

Fuhrer Hawaii digs in.

???: mmm.

Fuhrer Hawaii looks up to see Hawaii(Primal)

King Hawaii: Back! Back! Foul Beast.

King Hawaii begins swinging his sword, with the intent of shooing off Hawaii(Primal)

Hawaii(Primal): M!M! mm.

Hawaii(Primal) mimics King Hawaii's movements.

*Timeskip to after Hawaii-taro wakes up again*

Hawaii-taro: We are now back to try Commander's biscuit cake.

King Hawaii: *snickers* after Fuhrer Hawaii had some really bad diarhea.

Fuhrer Hawaii: Ve do not talk about vat anymore!

King Hawaii: yeah yeah, whatever.

Hawaii-taro: Commander, how long will it take you to finish the cake?

Commander: I can't seem to get the batter to mix. I already broke the automatic mixer.

Revolutionary Hawaii: Give that to me.

Hawaii swipes the bowl away from the commander and tries to mix it himself.

Revolutionary Hawaii: What. The. Hell?

Hawaii is unable to move the whisk.

Commander: See?

Revolutionary Hawaii: We are supposed to be making cake batter, not concrete!

Commander: Says the person who made Middle Eastern sh*t.

Revolutionary Hawaii: Why you little..

Hawaii attempts to choke Commander but trips over something.

Hawaii: Sh*t, I tripped over Queen Shortstack.

Queen Elizabeth, with tears in her eyes, runs out crying.

Commander: Look at the time! the Special is over so we can get back to the original storyline! Please dont choke me.

Revolutionary Hawaii: Never!

In the end, the rest of the Hawaiis pried Hawaii off of Commander.

Author's note:

I am already thinking about a new book but Im not going to release it until I finish more chapters of this book and my other books that I completely forgot about. I wonder on who the old Admiral is?

Upd- May 6th 2024.

Yeah Im trying to get another chapter out. But rn i am changing some of the chapters I don't like as much.

The Path to Victory.(azurlane harem x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon