Lil Chum: Don't we have a Sleigh wagon?

Grandpa Ramps: oh yea I forgot *Chuckles and rubs his head* Silly old me

Cam: *Mutters* I mean you're old tho..,

Grandpa Ramps: *Looks at Cam* What was that?

Cam: hm? nothing

Lil Isabella on the other hand is Shivering and chattering her teeth.

Lil Isabelle: I-It's so c-cold n-need w-warmness

The wind of cold blows into them as they got shivered too

Grandpa Ramps: Dang it she's right but we can't leave these logs here Cam and Chum Put the Logs on the Sleigh

They Nod as they put them on the Sleigh

Lil Chum: My fingers I can't f-feel them

Cam: Don't worry I got this

He then carry the rest of the logs to the sleigh  before turning around to see the three mouses shivering.

Grandpa Ramps: D-Dang it

Lil Isabelle: I-I'm so c-cold

Cam: Oh no Guys *Runs over to them while dragging the Sleigh Wagon* You guys are shivering

Lil Chum: W-What n-no we aren't w-we're g-good

He then falls to his knees on the snow while Shivering

Cam: No you guys aren't come on *Picks the three of them up* I'm going to find a spot for us to warm up

He starts looking for a spot while Carrying Grandpa Rampy, Lil Chum and Lil Isabella and dragging the Sleigh full of Logs.

He kept searching and searching with him shivering too until he found a spot.

Cam: F-Finally I-I found it

Cam walks inside an empty place till he sees a big footprint. He got confused and shakes it off and continues walking inside.

Cam: O-Ok *Sets three of them down* Dang it. It's s-so damn c-cold

He then turns around to warm his hands with his breath.

But not noticing two pair of big snowy hands behind them

Cam: *Finishes blowing heat onto his hands as he can feel his fingers moving* There we go

He hears a loud Thumping and turns around to a big snowman with Sharp Icy Teeth

Cam: *Shocked* Oh um...Hey frosty the are you man...?

The big Snowman monster roars at him

Cam: Ok never mind

Then out of nowhere. the big snowman blows his Icy breath towards Cam

Cam: Oh crap!

He jumps out of way but little did he know the Icy breath went towards Grandpa Rampy, Lil Chum and Lil Isabella as it froze them all.

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