The Movie Master

Începe de la început

Sarah: Jake Listen...I'm sorry...that I-

Jake: *Interrupts her* You turn them against me...You turned all of them against me...

Lil Chum: *Looks at Cam* This is Sad...

Cam: I mean he went through horrible things in life but he has his Aunt and uncle on his side supporting him and giving him love with care

Lil Chum: I see

Lil Isabelle: *Talks with popcorn in her mouth* What's going to happen next?

Cam: *Smiles at her* Just watch and find out

Grandpa Ramps: Just what are you kids doing?

Cam: Watching a movie on a phone

Grandpa Ramps: Oh you mean that garbage nonsense you shown Chum?

Cam: *Gets Mad* They're not garbage Grandpa Rampy!

Grandpa Ramps: When I say it's Garbage then it's garbage!

Cam: you can't say that if you didn't even watch it in the beginning!

Lil Chum: He got you there Grandpa!

Cam: See? If you watch this movie with us you'll be interested In it

Grandpa Rampy looks at him with a Grumpy Face before sighing

Grandpa Ramps: Alright fine maybe one won't be that bad *sits next to them on the couch* but if this movie is boring then I'm right

Cam: oh Trust me Grandpa Rampy you won't regret it

They went back into watching the Orange gem. An hour later they reached to the scene where Jake is on the ground holding his chest while being having a scar all over his body

Jake: Dammit! *Looks at his hand* this can't be! how is this possible!?

Annie: It's over Jake

Annie, Mary and Sarah are now infront of him

Jake: *Gets Angry and grits his teeth* no... no it's not! I will still destroy all you!

Mary: Jake Just listen to us! We're sorry for everything!

Sarah: We really are!

Jake: Sorry...Sorry!? You going to say just one word! After everything y'all done to me!? y'all didn't even feel no sign of guilt ever since Valentine's Day!

Annie and the girls got confused of what Jake said.

Annie: What're you talking about?                                                   

Jake: *Still angry* Oh you don't know huh? Then let me fill you in with that                                         

Then Jake told them about the Valentine's Day Humiliation that will be forever Traumatizing to him.

When he finished. The girls was nothing but Shocked

Sarah: J-Jake I-I don't know what to say....                                          

Annie: You...loved us....?

Jake: *Still angry* of course I was in love with you three...but ever since that day It three were my happiness...
*Tears falls out of his eyes* I just wanted to be with y'all...I just wanted to feel important... *Tears falls out more* I just want to feel that I'm loved....but that never happened...why is this me....

The girls felt nothing but Regrets and Guilt. For the past months they always ignored him. making him feel Not important and feel cared for....he hopes that one day they'll apologized for what they did...but that never happened...

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