Lil Chum & Isabelle: Yes!

Cam: Well you came to the right guy! Back at earth I have 100 movies downloaded on my phone I start calling myself

The Movie master!

Lil Chum & Isabelle: *Amazed* Woah!

Cam: Yep. *Smirks* Been the Moviemaster since the day I became one

Lil Chum: *Excited* Well come on what movies do you have!?

Cam: Well *go through his phone* I got The Orange Gem, Mr.Maniac Is my Teacher!?, the story of Charlie C. Afton: Daughter of William Afton, It's a small Frog's world the sequel, oh! My Grandpa was once a Lightning Jedi Master.
I favor it the most

Lil Chum: *Gets more Excited* The Orange Gem!?

Lil Isabelle: *Gets more excited* The Lightning Jedi master!?

Cam: Mhm! Like I said I'm the Movie master Baby! Now come on we got movies to watch


At the living room we see Cam, Chum and Isabella watching the Orange Gem.

the Character has an Orange Aura surrounding him with horns that's glowing also with his Eyes with tears running down.

Being angry at his friends for everything they've done to him in the past. By the looks of it.

Seems like it's Confrontation.

Annie: *Worried* Dude just listen to us!?

Jake: Shut it!? I have enough with all this!? You three treated me like I'm nothing!?
*Points at Annie* You have some nerve to compare me to my Sister saying that she's better than me!? Who gives you the right to compare people when you on the other hand who wanna be Sarah's little obedient dog!?

*Jake then points Mary*

Jake: And you!? I thought you'll be on my side!? I trusted you!? And I was stupid enough for it!? And also you knew this whole time. being sent to the next world was something you did on purpose!? So you don't wanna move away from your own friends!? Well guess what!? You could've listen to what your parents said you Clumsy piece of crap!? So that way I don't want to see your face Ever Again!?

*Jake then finally points at Sarah*

Jake: And you...the mistake that your mother gave birth always been the problem from the beginning...

Lil Isabelle : Oh snap *Munches some popcorn*

Cam: Oh snap indeed this is some greatest Confrontation I've ever seen

Back to the Movie as Jake starts ranting towards Sarah

Jake: *Glares at Sarah with so much hatred* Ever since we reunited you still act the same...even if all the crap we went through in the past...*Chuckles darkly before mocking her* "eVeRYbody wIlL FiNd mE VuLNerAble, UNgUardEd  aND ToTalLy SWeEt" Pfft Haha!! Don't make me laugh Sarah! Because you never been sweet! Never at all! Not as sweet with your parents Divorcing *Laughs evilly*

Sarah: *Gets Angry* Don't bring my parents into this!?

Jake: Aww! Am I hurting your Feelings Waylight?~ Well guess what i don't care! *Laughs while clapping his hands* oh oh! *Snaps his fingers* Let's not forget about that time you said I don't matter~ you remember that don't you~

Sarah: I- ...Listen Jake that's in the past. Just let bygones be bygones....

Jake: I refuse to let it go... *Walks up towards Sarah* You took away my eye...Now I'm half never knowledge my Existence...and you have the nerve to force me to join your pathetic excuse of an Army...and one more thing... *Gets close to her face to face* You said that I'm nothing....

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