|Waking once again...|

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Chester woke once again, but this time, laying down. In a hospital bed.


He noticed Parker jump up quickly and stroke him on the head. 'Oh my god! Chester! You're alive!' Tears streamed down the brown haired boy's face as he held his friends hand tightly.

'Y-yeah. Why are you h-here? I thought you h-hated my g-guts...' Chester bitterly said, pulling away.

'What the- NO! What did that woman say to you?'

'M-Maya? She s-said you hated my guts as m-much as she d-did.'

'Well, that's the most BS I've ever heard, because I love you more than anything.'

Chester's face when my bright red as he listened to what his best friend said to him. 'Y-you mean it?'

'Of course! Anyway, you better get some rest, you've been in a coma for about 3 months.' Parker patted Chester on the head once more and went to get a doctor.

I've been in a coma? Chester thought to himself, for THREE MONTHS?! My god.

Before he had time to think another sentence, a doctor came in and examined him. 'Ok... moving fine, talking fine, seems sane.' The doctor muttered while scribbling notes on his clipboard 'Ok! We will
just have to keep you here for a bit longer to see how you get on, we'll get you some physiotherapy and a normal therapist just to be sure you aren't too traumatised.'

Chester and Parker nodded, thanked the doctor and were left on their own once again.

'Uh, just saying, when you lift your shirt up, don't pass out. You have an incredibly large scar from where Maya pretty much cut you in half...' Parker warned, clearly meaning for Chester to look at his chest.

'W-what?! Uhm, ok...' Chester lifted his hospital gown up and there was a huge scar going from the bottom of his stomach all the way to just under his neck. 'OHHHH MY GOD, WHAT THE FU-'

Parker quickly cut him off 'Heyyyy, buddy. No swearing, there are other people just next door.'

'Oh, yeah. Sorry.' Chester let out an embarrassed laugh and covered himself back up.

Parker sat down next to Chester and moved his silky blond hair out from his shining blue eyes. They stared at each other intensely before their gaze was broken.

'I've missed your eyes. They're so pretty, so full of life.' Parker grabbed his friends hand and held it tight, not wanting to let go.

'When will I be let out? I don't want to be here. I want to go home...'

Parker looked back at Chester solemnly 'I'm not sure, all I know is that you'll be here at least a week or so, maybe more.'


Just before Chester could argue, the same doctor from earlier walked in. 'So, we have gotten you a physiotherapist and a therapist, and we have decided that considering you are in amazing condition for someone who has been in a coma for 3 months, you shall be let out in 6 days. We would recommend you sleeping and drinking lots of water, it will help. So, we are very sorry, but we need you to leave the patient for a day or so, we will contact you when you can see him again.' The doctor looked to Parker and he nodded in a reply.

Once Chester was alone, he almost immediately drifted into a deep sleep.


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