Party of Peril

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Does anyone know the pain of playing Friday Night Funkin for two hours and then trying to type? It messes up everything.

Anyway time for the story

Tomorrow was Milo's birthday. Tomorrow was Milo's birthday, and no one had bothered to tell you. It wasn't exactly like you needed to be told, but it still bothered you that your friends hadn't bothered to tell you this very important piece of information far earlier.
You confronted Melissa about it as school began.

Milo had just managed to get himself drenched by a broken water fountain and had walked off to change, grabbing a spare change of clothes from his locker. His locker door fell of it's hinges with a loud BANG!

You crossed your arms as well as you could on your crutches, frowning. "So, it's almost Milo's birthday. Were you planning on telling me?"

Melissa looked at you sheepishly.

"Yes, I just forgot. He doesn't typically have a party anyway. Just me and his family. The last party he had didn't end well."

"That's kinda sad." Zack frowned. "Doesn't he miss having a party with friends?"

You loved your birthday parties. They were typically small events with Zack, Emylin, and a few other close friends, but you adored spending special time with them.

Melissa's phone rang effectively cutting off her answer. She pulled it out and answered it.

"Hi, Mrs. Murphy."

"Hello Melissa. I was wondering, do you think we should invite Y/n and Zack to Milo's party? And if so, do they have proper coverage? I know Y/n broke her leg in the last chapter and I don't know if their insurance is properly able to cover any more potential accidents." Mrs.'s Murphy's voice spoke, loud and clear from the speaker. Judging by the way Melissa was holding her phone, she was calling on facetime video.

You poked your head on screen.

"Hi, Mrs. Murphy, don't worry, we're covered. But I was wondering, maybe we could hold Milo a surprise party with some kids from school. It would be really fun, and I think he would love it."

Mrs. Murphy considered for a second.

"Well, let me check with Martin. He's still at work."

She added Mr. Murphy to the call.

"Hi dear, Y/n and the kids were wondering if they could maybe hold a surprise party for Milo tomorrow. How's our liability coverage?"

Honestly, you were surprised that any insurance company would agree to insure the Murphys.

"Better idea, not at our home." Mr. Murphy insisted.

"How about the go-kart track at the play park?" Zack suggested.

"We'll plan everything if you handle the safety equipment!" Added Melissa.

After negotiating a few finer details, the plan was set. Melissa hung up, then narrowly dodged a spray of water as the nearest drinking fountain began to malfunction and spray water everywhere.

"That's weird. No one pressed the button." You wondered.

The fountain fell off the wall, sending a hose of water at the nearest individual and knocking them backwards. You smirked.

"Hey Milo."

"Hey Y/n!"

Milo took a large wrench from his backpack and stopped the water stream.

"Let's get to class."

The rest of your day was spent planning for Milo's party. Of course, you had to keep Milo in the dark about it, so it was a little more difficult than one would normally expect. Your current location didn't exactly help, either.

Spoiler Alert: I marry a MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now