Chapter 22-Grandma Is Sick

Start from the beginning

"Just what I said," Liam says. "You'll find out tomorrow night."

I shake my head. "I hate it when people keep secrets from me."

Liam just grins mischievously and heads inside while I walk down two flights of stairs, almost tripping over my own feet. It drives me crazy that I don't know what Liam's talking about.

Well, I was soon to find out.

"It's a girl," Elise whispers to me in awe as Liam answers the door. I see a flash of caramel brown hair and a smiling young woman enters.

I snort. "Shoulda known Liam would find himself a girl sooner or later."

Elise smacks me. "Be nice. Don't say anything stupid." When I shove a finger into my chest with wide eyes, Elise says, "Yes, you."

As if.

Well, maybe.

"Chan, Elise," Liam says, coming forward with his surprise visitor, "This is Lauren."

Elise smiles and shakes her hand. "It's so nice to meet you, Lauren. Liam didn't tell us that he had a girlfriend."

Lauren turns and smiles at Liam, who blushes. I bite back a huge grin. Liam's acting like an elementary school kid who doesn't know what to do with himself.

"I'm Chan," I say, shaking her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's very nice to finally meet both of you," Lauren says. Her smile is contagious. "Liam has told me so much about both of you that I feel like I already know you." She turns to Elise. "It's an honor to meet you, Elise. Almost everyone knows who you are."

This time it's Elise's turn to smile modestly. "Well, thank you, but that was months ago. Thankfully, I'm back to a state of normalcy now."

"I'm glad to hear you're doing much better," Lauren says. Her eyes are warm and inviting.

Elise smiles again and takes a deep breath. "Well, won't you come in? Dinner will be ready in just a minute."

Liam ushers Lauren to the dining room and seats her like a gentlemen at the table as I help Elise bring in the food. My Grandma comes out from her room.

"Hey," I say. "Do you want some food?"

She shakes her head. "No. I'm not that hungry. I'll just have a glass of water."

"Okay." I suddenly become a little worried because I've never known Grandma to pass up a meal and come to think of it, she hasn't eaten a lot of food lately.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask her.

My Grandma shrugs. "Just a little stomachache. I should be fine."

"If you're sure," I tell her.

She gives me a tiny smile and helps herself to a glass of water as I carry in a bowl of salad.

Why do I feel like history is repeating itself in this moment? I can still remember when Elise brought Josh home for dinner.

It feels like a lifetime ago.

Dinner goes well. I happen to really like Lauren. She's down to earth, sweet, funny, and I just want to see her around more often because seeing Liam's face turn so red every time she looks at him is, by far, the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. Just by looking at him, you can tell that Liam is pretty much smitten.

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